the trip to the Los Angeles zoo

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Olivia's: POV
My alarm clock goes off for the second time l tapped it to shut it off. Since it was my day off from the University
I decided to take Nayla to the Los Angeles zoo
Olivia pushes the covers down and got out the bed
I head to the bathroom to handle my business, once l'm done l brushed my teeth and washed my face. Porsha already knew not to come over, after getting myself together. I head down stairs to make Nayla's favorite breakfast which is banana blueberry pancakes and fruit on the side, she usually sleeps in till 8:30. I gathered all my of ingredients in the bowl the weather man said that it's supposed to be nice the whole weekend and today's forecast is going to be a high of ninety degrees, Nayla's clothes have been picked out since last night. Porsha took the liberal of corn rolling Nayla's hair for me, she put in all white beads all over my daughter's thick brown hair
I usually give her ponytails. I been itching to cut my own long hair that reaches past my shoulder, but l decided against it. I pour the batter over the skillet, it's a good thing I didn't have to cut up cantaloupe strawberries and honey dew, l gotta remember to do the laundry tomorrow
After taking Nayla to her doctors appointment. I'm glad her office is open on Saturdays, Nayla's gonna be cranky once she receives her immunizations. Her pediatrician understands l work during the week,  I made sure to put the gate back up. Because Nayla tries to come down by herself. When I purchased this house from the previous owner, it needed a lot of improvements l hired a contractor to bring it back to life again. I used the money from selling my mother's house, l have some equity on my home. I replaced all the appliances and it all cost me 2.1 million dollars for everything, l don't see us moving for a really long time. Plus I set up a play structure for Nayla
She loves the swings and going down the sliding board
I put the food on to the pan, and set it down on the table
Olivia goes to see if Nayla's up. I climb over the gate
I walked down the hall towards Nayla's princess room
That's painted pink and lavender, with tinker bell borders along the wall.  Hey baby it's time to wake l said to Nayla
I give her time to fully wake up, mommy your here she says. Remember what we talked about last night Olivia said, Nayla thinks for a minute. We're going to the zoo
Are we gonna see the polar bears mommy she asks me
Maybe if there not asleep babe, let's get cleaned up and dress so we can have breakfast how does that sound mmm, Olivia asked. Okay she holds out her arms for me to pick her up. And we go down to the bathroom
I run the warm water in the bath tub and l put the stopper in to keep the water from going out. I take off Nayla's princess night grown along with her pull up, and placed Nayla into the tub and turn off the water. She sits down playing with the rubber ducky as l washed her back with the lavender baby chamomile wash, she stands up so I could wash the rest of her little body down. After l was all done giving my baby, l removed the stopper and wrapped Nayla up in the towel. Then l carried her down to my room, l quickly dried her off so she wouldn't catch a cold
I lotion her arms and legs and put on her purple polo shirt with blue overall jumper, mommy can I wear my sandals you brought me Nayla asks me. She slips on her shoes
I strapped them both together, l grabbed my bag
Nayla gets her doc McStuffins backpack and we head down the stairs to eat some breakfast. Nayla climbs up in high chair, while I cut her pancakes up in a small pieces
I sat it right in front of her and she begins eating.
Olivia sits down at the table and feeds her face, once we were finished our meal. I took the plates and washed them and loaded them in up in the dishwasher, l wiped down Nayla's high chair. I use a wipe her hands and face
Nayla got down to go her nap sack, and put it on
I gathered my things and walked out the front door
Olivia's locks up the house. Pushes the button to unlock the car, she gets Nayla strapped in the car seat and walks around to the driver's side to get in. Fasten up her safety belt, started up the engine put in the address to the zoo in her GPS system. Olivia pulls out of the garage, l turned on the radio to listen to the News. I keep my eyes on the road
Olivia looks through the rear view mirror and see Nayla looking out the window, we pulled up to the zoo parking lot and I parked my car in the first available spot. Mommy zoo zoo Nayla said from the back seat, l know baby
We're gonna see all the animals. Olivia got out of vehicle grabbing her bag, and she walked towards the back to retrieve Nayla's stroller out the trunk. After taking it out Olivia open it up, then she went to get her daughter out the car. Liv unfasten Nayla from her car seat, Olivia sat strapped Nayla her stroller. Locked up the car
Olivia heads over to the zoo's entrance went to the window and paid the admission fee to get in, the lady handed Olivia two bracelets to put on hers and Nayla's wrist.

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