Girls night

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Olivia's: POV
When I enter inside the bar where l'm meeting Casey for drinks. Then I spotted her in the corner talking to a woman with long blonde hair, Olivia didn't see the other woman's face so I headed over to the bar and order a glass of white zinfandel and garden burger with fries on the side. I handed the bar attendant forty dollars, he told me he would bring my order over to the table. Olivia took her drink and walked over to we're Casey and the mysterious woman she was talking to, Liv l was wondering when you were gonna get here Casey says. Come on Cas have a little faith in me, l had to make sure Nala was settling in before I took off Olivia said. Liv takes a seat in the booth beside Casey, where are my manners Alex this is my best friend
Olivia Benson the one l was telling you about who teaches at Columbia Casey States, Olivia couldn't take her eyes off of Alex. She had the bluest eyes she ever seen before
Both women shake hands Olivia felt electric shock flow through her body Alex was feeling the sparks as well but played it off, the server brought over Olivia's order
You guys gotta forgive me l didn't have a chance to eat
After leaving the house Olivia explains. It's fine sometimes
I do the same thing Alex explained, l take a bite of my burger. I can feel Alex's eyes on me but I don't want her to embarrass, so I continue on eating my dinner while Casey carried on with her conversation with Alex. I just sat back and listened, once I finished my meal Olivia excuse herself from the table to go to the ladies room. Alex isn't Olivia gorgeous l told you she was a knock out Casey is trying to hook Alex and Olivia up because they were single women
I'm not sure if Olivia's is interested in me like that Alex Stated, Alex are you crazy of course she is it just takes Olivia a while to warm up to people plus l saw the way you were staring at her as well so don't give me that lame ass excuse. It's been three years Alex you need to put yourself back out there again l know the break up was painful, you can't keep pushing everyone away l think you and Olivia would be perfect together but first you need to knock that tip off your shoulder Alex can't go around making every women pay for what your ex girlfriend did
Just think about what I said Casey gives Alex a dose of tough love. Liv comes back to the table slides next to Casey. The band gets up on the stage and begins singing
Olivia snaps her fingers to the beat of the music, Alex takes in what Casey was telling her. Alex knew everything Casey was saying was true, but Alex was scared of putting her heart on the line again. Casey's hears her cell phone buzzing in her bag, Olivia stands up so Casey can get out of the booth. She tells her friends she's be right back
Leaving Alex and Olivia alone, after the band was done on the stage. Olivia decides to strike up a conversation with Alex, so Casey told me you are a lawyer Liv says to Alex
I am and she informed me that you were a college professor Alex points out. I always wanted to be a teacher
Ever since I was in high school, my favorite subject was English, l use to write short stories during study hall until my teacher caught me. I taught when I lived in Manhattan new York City, for about five years. Casey and I were roommates in college we became fast friends. We lost contact after we graduated, Olivia tells Alex.
I think I always wanted to be a lawyer growing up
My dad said l take after my mother she used to be an attorney. Now she's a EDA with several people under her
I guess it's in my blood line Alex said, l took a few minutes to collect my thoughts before continuing speaking.
Do you work long hours at the University Alex asked me
Only if one of my students request to see me. Other than that l come straight home after my last class which usually ends at 5:15, Olivia wasn't ready to tell Alex about Nala just yet. She wanted to see how things go first, l'm wondering what could be keeping Casey so long Alex inquired. Olivia was thinking the same thing but she didn't say anything, l believe Casey stood us up Alex
Stated. You might be right Liv replies. It's getting kinda late Alex reaches down in her purse takes out her business card and hands it to me, call me sometime maybe we can go to dinner one evening if your not busy Alex said to me
As she stands up from the table getting ready to leave
Let me walk you to your vehicle Olivia says to Alex
You don't have to Alex States. It's know trouble l'm parked in the back no sense you walking alone in the dark by yourself Olivia spoke, Alex finally gave in both women headed out the bar. Started walking towards the parking lot,

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