The surprise phone call

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Olivia's: POV
I just getting home from work out of the blue my cell rings. Olivia looks at the caller ID and didn't recognize the number, usually she doesn't answer then something told me to pick it up. I pressed talk on the receiver and heard the sweet angelic voice that l have been dreaming about the last two weeks, hello the caller says to me. Hi Alex
Olivia said in a shy tone. I was calling you to let you know that I'm back in town and I was wondering were you free this evening she asks me. I am not doing anything tonight
What time were thinking about meeting up Olivia implies
Is six a okay l was hoping we can meet at the Italian restaurant we went to a couple of weeks ago Alex States
Sounds good sweetheart l look forward in seeing you soon
Olivia replies, before I forget Olivia thank you so much for the beautiful flowers Alex Stated. Your most certainly welcome Olivia feels the butterflies flutter in her stomach
Liv says to Alex, okay Olivia l need to finish up here and I'll see you soon alex ends the call. Lucky for Olivia Nayla is spending the night over at Casey's house, Olivia doesn't remember the last time she had a night without her daughter. Olivia couldn't stop smiling after talking to Alex
Fucked what am I gonna wear for my date with Alex
Olivia heads upstairs to the master bedroom and begin searching through her closet, she looks at the dresses and pantsuits. I really need to look into getting a brand new wardrobe Olivia thinks to her self, she continues scanning until Olivia pulls out a black knee length dress with spaghetti straps but she's not sure if she wants to wear it
Cause it will reveal a little of her cleavage then Olivia sees a tan shaw behind after she takes out the dress. Once she has her outfit picked out, now she needs to find a pair of shoes. Olivia was known to be the shoe queen, Liv has every shoe you could possibly think of some of them were still in boxes. Olivia wasn't sure if she should wear her six inch black stilettos, Olivia stands about 5-10 in height without heels. She notices it's going on 5:00 in the evening
Olivia couldn't believe how fast the time has gone by
Liv doesn't want to be late for her date with Alex
Olivia heads for the bathroom to take a quick shower
Liv turns on the water as it heats up Olivia quickly gets undressed. Pulls her hair up in a bun so it doesn't get wet while showering, she pushes the glass cubicle open
Then steps inside. The sprayer rains down on her olive skin, she knew that didn't no time to waste so she began washing up. Olivia realizes she hasn't seen Lena the last few days, even when they exchanged numbers with each other. She shuts off the water and covers up her body with the towel and dries off the excess water that dripping all over her, once she was completely dried
Liv moisturizes her arms and legs. She sprays on a little perfume, slips on a pair of red silk panties with matching bra. Olivia gets into her dress luckily Olivia has shaved this morning cause she didn't feel like wearing stockings
Plus the weather was nice and warm outside, Olivia goes back to the bathroom to put on her makeup. Liv removed the hair scrunchie, then brushes it gently Olivia decides to wear it down. She always had trouble managing her long hair growing up, sometimes she'll just put it up in a ponytail. Olivia's finally done getting ready and comes out of the restroom, slides her feet into the shoes. Olivia checks the time on the alarm clock, it was only 5:25
Liv wanted to swing by the flower shop to get Alex some roses this time. Olivia locks up the house and heads down to the garage, gets inside the car fasteners up her seat belt
Sticks the key into the ignition pushes the button that opens up the hitch to the garage door and zooms on
Through, Olivia takes the quickest route to get to the florist. Luckily there isn't any traffic on the road,
Olivia can't believe this is her second date with Alex
She feels all giddy inside Olivia knows it's been a long time since was inmate with a woman and she wants to take her time not to rush into to soon, Liv knew Alex just recently loss her father and probably is still grieving
Olivia pulls up to the drive thru window and waits for the woman comes. Rita was the owner of the local shop in town, when she finally came to the window hey Olivia
What can I do for you this lovely evening she said to me
Rita l would like a bouquet of your pink and yellow roses
Olivia States. Alright give me a few minutes and I'll have them for you are you using cash or charge Rita inquires
I'm going to put it on my black visa card Olivia hands Rita her credit card, Rita leaves the window to go get Olivia's order ready, Olivia phone rings Liv looks down to see
It's Alex calling. Hi Alex okay l will be there in ten minutes
You can go ahead and get us a table Olivia replies, ok see you in a bit Olivia tells Alex, Rita comes back to the window carrying the roses wrapped up colored Saran wrap. And hands it out to me along with the receipt
I put my card back in my wallet thanked Rita then drove to the restaurant for her date with Alex. Olivia pulled in the parking lot we're she was greeted by the valet who opens up her door for her, Olivia steps out of the vehicle grabbing the roses and her bag Liv hands her over the keys to the young man. Take care of my baby Olivia told the guy, yes ma'am he stated. Then walks inside the restaurant. Olivia hears someone say her name
She turns around to sees Alex heading towards her
Alex you looked beautiful Olivia States, the blonde haired woman blushes at her dinner companion compliment
You don't look to bad yourself Alex replies, Olivia gives Alex the bouquet of roses she bought her. Olivia couldn't take her eyes off of Alex, until the hostess comes to tell
Them that there tables was ready they followed behind her. Olivia allows Alex walk ahead of her, Olivia was taking in Alex's tone figure from behind the Burnett had to stop herself from having naughty thoughts race through her mind. Once they reached their table
Olivia pulls out Alex's chair for her, Liv removes the shaw she has wraps around her shoulders. Alex gasps suddenly
Hopefully none notices Alex staring at Olivia's cleavage
Your waitress will be with you shortly can I start you ladies off something to drink from the bar the young woman asked. I think I'll have a glass of Chardonnay
Alex inquires, and I'm gonna take a red wine Olivia says to the hostess. Alright l will those out for you right away. Alex and Olivia made small talk while they waited for their drinks, so what have you been since I been away Alex inquires. The same work and home that's basically it
And spending time with my daughter Nayla Olivia takes out a recent photo of her and Nayla on her phone, Alex looks at the little girl. She has your smile Alex says
Olivia usually doesn't tells the woman she's dating she has a child. She thinks it could possibly scare them away
I would love children one day with the right partner that is, l have two nieces Francesca who's eight going thirty and there's my oldest niece Callie that's twenty one that's away in college. I think you know my sister in law Lena she works at the University we're you work at Alex said
Yeah we've met she's one of the first college professors who welcomed me with open arms my first day on the campus, she invited me out for drinks and l had the opportunity to meet her wife Stephanie Olivia replies. oh
Please don't let her hear you call her by her full name Alex laughs, Olivia thinks Alex has the most infectious laughter
I would love to meet your little girl one day that's if you allow me to Alex States. Olivia wasn't sure if she heard Alex say that she would like to meet Nayla one day. But before Olivia has a chance to respond their hostess comes over with their drinks, have you ladies decided on what you wanted for dinner the young woman asked, l'm gonna start off with a fresh garden salad no tomatoes Alex tells the hostess who keys it into the tablet. And for you ma'am
The girl asks Olivia, l'm gonna order grilled chicken Cesar salad no tomatoes for me as well Olivia Stated. Have you decided on your main course, tonight's special is chicken Alfredo with broccoli in white sauce and spaghetti the chef uses fettuccine noodles covered in marinara the young lady explains. Okay that sounds delicious we'll try that Olivia and Alex took turns giving the hostess their requests, Alex hands over their menus and there sever leaves there table they chose all the way in the back away from the crowd. Alex felt at ease, Olivia could tell something weighing on the blondes mind but choose not to bring it up. So Casey tells me you too went to college together, Alex gets straight to the point and doesn't hold back. Yes l we met while I was studying at Yale doing my undergrad, Casey and I became fast friends actually let me take that back. When there were no more rooms left
Casey was the only one who had a single room with two twin beds, Casey informed the residential advisor she had plenty of space in her dorm room after hitting it instantly
Casey and I had similar things in common like our love for classic literature and poetry Olivia explained to Alex
I don't want to sound bold have you and Casey you know
Alex inquires, no l never looked at Casey in a sexually way
She was totally into men. I guess l've always known that my attraction was with women, l dated one of my mother's former students who was six years older than me. I will have to fill you in on that at another time Olivia doesn't go into further detail, Alex wants to press but decided against it. She tries to give Olivia the benefit of the doubt, a waitress heads over carrying their salads

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