A girls night

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Olivia's: POV
Casey and I are sitting in my living room catching up on things while waiting for the delivery guy to drop off our order. My daughter was across the room playing with her toys, it felt good to have my best friend back in my life again. She use to live in new York before she was offered a job with district attorney office, she's been telling me about one of her friend Alex who was single. Casey knows what I went through with my last relationship with my ex girlfriend, l was content with being single and spending time with my little girl who was my life. Come on Liv what do you have to lose, she's a beautiful woman
I wouldn't try to hook with you up with just anybody
You both deserve some happiness in your lives. Casey said to me. Does she know anything about me Olivia asks me
Casey avoids my eyes, l take it as a no Liv says
She's seen a picture of you and Nyla on my desk
Casey explains. Before Olivia could respond the bell rung
Liv got up from the couch to go answer the door, she handed the man money for the pizza. He gave her the large hot box, Olivia thanked him and shut the door locked it up. Come on Nyla it's time to eat Liv tells her daughter, the little girl came into the dining room climbed up in her high chair. Olivia got Nayla strapped in
She sat the plate down after cutting the pizza into little pieces, Nyla begin eating her food. Casey came walking in the dining room, Olivia went to get some drinks from the refrigerator. When Liv renter the room to see Casey place two slices of pizza on to her plate, Olivia sat the cold drinks down. Thanks Liv l'm glad we got a chance to get together, you don't know how happy you moved here Casey states. I think Nyla and I needed a change of scenery, plus the weather is a lot nicer than New York
After my mother died even though she didn't get want to get herself together. I knew l deserve something better
But I know I made the right choice selling her house,
It's time for me to restart my life in a new place. I love my new job at the University. I manage to make a new friend she's a professor, l went out for drinks with her and wife
Olivia told Casey. Well at least your meeting new people
You always been a private person Casey Stated
I'm still am but I learned how to read people's body language, after my relationship ended l would blame myself for giving into whatever she wanted. My therapist seems to think l take on everyone's baggage as my own Olivia States, Liv as long as l've known you. You tend to put others needs ahead of your own, Casey explains

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