missing her

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Olivia's: POV
Ever since Alex's been gone l can't stop thinking about her
I promised myself that I wouldn't call her. I knew losing her father was hard on her, l haven't seen much of Lena around the university this past week. Casey's been missing in action lately, l'm assuming her boyfriend has came back from his business trip from the west coast
Every time he comes around Casey seems distant
I know how much she loves me Casey's like a sister to me
Nayla and I just got back from the grocery store. She's in living room watching a movie while I got dinner sorted out. The cat was busy eating her food l poured in the bowl
Mommy someone's at the door Nayla calls out from the other room, l dry my hands to go see who was at the door
I peek through the hole and see Casey standing there
Olivia unlocks all the knobs and opens up the door
Hey Liv Casey says to me. Come on in can I offer you something to drink Olivia asks Casey, a glass tequila would be nice. Casey's never drinks in the middle of the day, something must have happened l didn't wanna pry into her personal business. I took out a glass from the cabinet and poured the contents in the wine glass, Nayla came in the kitchen we're we were hi aunt Casey
My daughter said to her hey their princess my your getting so big Casey picks up Nayla and sits her up on her lap. Mommy and I just got home from the market
She's making my favorite spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread Nayla explains, mmm that does sounds yummy Casey replied. My shows back on aunt Casey Nayla gives Casey a hug and kiss on the cheek and slides off her lap and heads back in the other room, l hand Casey her drink, l'm sorry I haven't been around much lately
Things between Jeff and I been kinda intense. He told me
His job is offered him a promotion and they went him to run the San Francisco office so Jeff's moving out there
Casey tells me. What about you Olivia asked Casey?
Liv l can't just pick up and relocate to move across the state, l just made junior partner at the District attorney's
It's something l been waiting for a long time now, plus Jeff are going into different directions in our relationship
He wants me to quit my job and stay at home, Jeff knows we're l stand. My career has always been top priority since graduating law school and l'm not gonna give that up for Jeff or anybody plus every time Jeff's away from home
I'm at peace when he's not there it's better this week Casey tells me, as long as you're happy with your decision Olivia said. Olivia l'm thirty -one years old it's about time l start focusing on what matters most, all Jeff cares about is himself. I'm surprised we stayed together this long
He wants a trophy wife someone to look good on his arm
So he can impress all those rich corporate executives at his company. I refuse to lower my standards to please those male chauvinist pigs jeff works for Casey talks
Whatever you decide l'll always support you Olivia States as she drains the water out of the pot full of noodles
How you spoken with Alex Olivia Casey asked me
No l haven't she's still in new York with her family
I'm giving her time to grieve properly l was with her when she got the call from her mom her dad had passed away. We were out at dinner Olivia said in a concern tone in her voice, I told you you'll like Alex once you met her
She takes know what she wants and is not afraid to get her hands dirty in the process Casey informed me.
I'll keep that in mind for future reference case , wait don't you guys work together Olivia inquired. Alex works up the 22nd floor, she's good at her job. Alex can make senior partner if she wants to, she went to a ivy lead college and graduated at the top of her class did you know that her mother is a lawyer as well. Casey informed me
We really didn't get a chance to talk about her family that much, Olivia says to Casey. Damn me and my big mouth
Maybe I should have let Alex tell you about her home life
I thought you knew Liv just forget l said anything Casey States, l'm sure Alex will tell me when she's ready Olivia pours sauce into the pot and turns the burner down low
Then she takes the garlic bread out of the oven and place it down on the counter. She takes out the plates along with the silverware to set the table, Casey you can stay for dinner if you want there's plenty of pasta Olivia told Casey
Let me go use the restroom to wash my hands Casey gets off the stool and heads upstairs to the bathroom.

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