The benefit gala fundraiser ball part: two

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Lena's: POV
This man is beginning to rub me the wrong way
He must don't realize that Stef and I are married
He's been flirting with her all night. Sure my wife is a beautiful woman, some people may think l'm jealous
I have no reason to get in my feelings we respect each other's boundaries. We don't even have to communicate with words, sometimes we use our eyes as a way of communication, we just finished eating dinner
There were about to announce the winners of the ruffles
Stef was sitting beside me at the table. I don't why this guy
Choose to sit next Stef, my mother in law was right next to me. Whispering in my ear about who this gentleman was
I saw him place his hand on Stef's upper thigh when I seen her removed it. He seemed unpressed by this action
Elizabeth saw what just happened and didn't say anything
I got up from my chair and walked over and squeezed between the two seats, then kneel with my back facing the opposite direction and whisper in Stef's ear. Excuse me miss we were having a conversation and you just rudely interrupted us David said, l gave Stef this look she was all to familiar with. She knew that I was about to blow a fuse
I stood back up and went outside to get some air to calm myself down, l know Stef was gonna come after me
But Elizabeth came instead l guess my wife must've told her to come check up on me. Lena sweetheart are you alright she asked me, mom l'm fine l just figured l'll removed myself from the situation cause l surely was seriously about to knock that man out Lena says to Elizabeth, after you left out him and Stef exchange a few words. She let the man know you guys were married
While we were talking the police pulled up to the Wyndham hotel we're the gala was at something happened for them to come here, we rushed back inside to see what's going on they were finishing up the raffle
I went to see where Stef was at she over by the auction table with several large gift bags in both her hands
Stef are you okay when I was outside your mother and I saw the police car drive up and stopped in front of the hotel Lena States. She thanked the woman then we moved from the table, the cops were called because when I told David we were married he began yelling about how gays and lesbians were going to hell as l begin to leave he tried to grab me by my arm l quickly yanked away and pulled out my badge out of my purse then starts to apologize for hitting me all night. I believe one of the guest called them
I think I had enough excitement for the night Stef Stated
As long as you're not hurt or anything, so who won the grand prize on the raffles Lena asks Stef. Well me you and this other woman l even won the top prize Stef replies
Lena helps Stef out with carrying some of the gift bags
We headed out the ball room to make our way to the exit
Elizabeth who was coming out the ladies room when she saw us, mom we're leaving Stef said to Elizabeth
Yeah l supposed your right Elizabeth responds
The three of us walked through the parking lot to get in the car Stef popped open the trunk to put the packages in
Before she did that Stef opened the doors for Elizabeth and I to get in. The blonde gets in and started up the engine, then pulls out of the parking lot none talked the whole journey to drop off Elizabeth back at Alex's place

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