Frat house party

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Callie's: POV
It's Friday night Jamie and I are heading to the frat house for some huge party we were invited. I decided to throw on my dark blue jeans with the holes at the knees and a black tank top, l'm glad tomorrow's Saturday l could sleep in. I recently got my nose pierced and Jamie got hers done as, we've been best friends since first semester. Once I came out of the bathroom Jamie was snorting some coke
She offered me a hit so I sat down beside her at the desk
I inhaled it, and got a instant rush of adrenaline through my body. I usually take pills to get high but this powder has a different effect, deep down inside l know it's not right what l'm doing l didn't care. We walked out of our room took the elevator downstairs the frat house is only six blocks from us, we decided to walk cause it was still warm outside. Cals do you know if Jovon is going to be at the party tonight Jamie Jamie asks me, mmm l'm not sure Callie knew her best friend had a crush on the basketball player. It wasn't before long they reached the frat house
There were a few people hanging out front with drinks in there hands, others who appeared to be smoking pot
I knew my mother would have a feid day if she knew what l was doing. Jamie and I went in the house to get something to drink, some of the guys were shooting pool
Look Callie they have jello shots Jamie shouts because they have the music blasting loud and their were a couple of girls from my English class doing drinking shots of tequilas. Callie you made it Andrew said, Andy l told you that I was coming did you bring the Xanax Vicodin and Percocet Callie inquires, of course my buddy cane got them from a friend Andrew whispers in my ear. I grabbed Andrew by the hand so we could go somewhere private away from prying eyes, he hands me the doggie bag full of pills. I handed him three hundred dollars in cash
Callie this should last you two months just be careful not to take to many there a lot stronger than the last batch
Some of them are between 50 and 60  grams each
Andy tells me, yeah I promise not to overdo it Callie replies. I spent the majority of the night talking to Andrew
Jamie was around here somewhere with Jovon, Andrew went to get us some more beer. They really didn't have any food here, only finger foods such as chips dips pretzels, mini hoagies  suddenly l felt my phone buzzing in my back pocket l whipped it out to see who it was
Sure enough it was my mama. I declined the call
I know l've been ghosting them for months now, that's why I choose a school all in another state. I'm wondering how my younger sister is doing who use to text me faithfully. I don't know if my grandpa molested her like he did me, Francesca was the baby of the family. I feel kinda of jealous cause she got treated better than me, l know that l'm twenty -one years old. I eraser those thoughts out of my head as soon as they enter my mind, Andrew came back over handed me my drink. I take a sip man Andy what the hell is in this Callie says to Andrew, Coca-Cola with all different kinds of liquor Andy informed me
I take small sips cause I didn't wanna end up drunk fast so l pace myself. Something told me that I should have ate before leaving out, l popped a blue pill in my mouth when none was looking l know your not supposed to be taking medicine with achaol. I'm tired of feeling numb all the time, the counselor at the health center thinks it's depression. She gave me a prescription for Ambien
25 miller grams, l didn't even get it filled out yet
I probably drive to the drug store in the morning
Cause I need a few things from the pharmacy anyway
I can't believe my grandfather's gone l've been trying to processing the News after listening to the voicemail on my phone. Part of me is relieved cause he can never hurt me
Lately l've been experiencing night terrors about what happened to me when I was younger something l never told another living soul, l know if I tell my parents
They would blamed themselves for not protecting me sooner. I held this secret in for years and l'm afraid it would destroy everyone in the family especially my grandmother Elizabeth who l loved dearly so l stay silent

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