A relaxing day in

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Olivia's: POV
I just finished two loads of laundry and l'm folding the clothes. It's such a beautiful morning and the sun is shining, l have a few more things to get done around the house like vacuuming all the floors. I cleaned up the bathrooms late last night when I couldn't sleep, Nayla was watching cartoons in the other room. Casey called to see what l was doing, when I told her I was doing housework she started laughing at me. When I was growing up my mother didn't tolerate a messy house even when she sober
She would clean the place from top to bottom, she wasn't always drunk. At times we would go to the movies or the theater to see the ballet, l learned early on about different cultures. Mom would bring home English literature books
Sometimes she allowed me to read some Shakespeare Rome and Juliet one of the most beautiful love stories ever read before, it was sad how they died. Their parents couldn't see how deeply in love they were, it must have been hard for them back. As l studied more about literature, l grew up loving all types of English literature
I would enter writing contests and always come in first place. Mom took me to work with her a few times to show me where she worked at the University, I found it fascinating. I would often day dream of what I wanted to be when I grew up, mommy l heard Nayla calling me
Yes baby l said what are we gonna do today she asks me
Baby we're going to spend a relaxing day watching Disney movies and make some homemade pizza probably some brownies with walnuts inside. How does that sound mmm
Olivia asked her daughter, fun momma Nayla replies
I thought so too can mommy have a hug and kiss from her angel Liv says to her daughter. Nayla came over and wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tight
Planting kisses on my cheek, l tickle her all over and she giggles. Mommy stop Nayla tells me, mommy can we get a cat from the animal shelter soon this child doesn't miss a beat, you know Nayla a pet is a big responsibility you have to fed him or her clean out the litter box every other day. We probably get a girl kitten so we can raise it up
Right, Olivia explains. We'll go tomorrow and see what they have available, okay Olivia said to Nayla who smiles in excitement. Liv loves seeing her baby happy, it always warms her heart, Nayla was the best thing that happened to her. Even though she went through the lVF process alone, Casey was there when Nayla was born and stayed for a few weeks to help me out around the house. I actually made Casey Nayla's Godmother, because she was there for me when my mom passed away. I lose a couple of friends along the way cause I choose an African American donor, l didn't let that stop me from having a child without a man. some of them thought l should have a man in my life, when I reveal my sexuality they looked at me differently. I just held my head high and ignored the whispers and the gossip about me behind my back, l knew their reaction to the News was going to be bad, at least that stopped them for setting me up on blind dates with man, they never met my ex girlfriend before. Not that I was hiding her from them, l just didn't her to feel uncomfortable in there presence that's another thing we would aurg about why l never brought to the events my job had in the summers. When they had picnics concerts in the park and stuff, l prayed the next relationship l get into. I'm gonna treat her like a queen and spoil her
I was always told that I was a true romantic person
No l won't be nobody's fool this time around. I'm gonna take my time and do this things right and not rush into any thing serious, possibly start off as friends first
I think I rushed in to quickly with my ex girlfriend
Communication is key to a successful relationship as well as honest trust. I been celibate so long that I don't know what to do with myself,

Alex's: POV
After we return to the hotel and went into our respectable rooms for the evening. My sister barely said anything on the way back, l knew was upset by what our father said
She has worked her ass off to seek his approval over the years. He's never satisfied with nothing she does
Stephanie went to college and studied to become a police officer like him, she idealized him growing up like l did my mother. She became a lawyer for a few years and then she became a judge later on, she's looking to retire in two years and do some traveling around the world. Daddy is retiring from being chief of police later this year, he's complaining about his back is giving him problems
I don't see how he works out practically every day. He runs every morning like clockwork. He's only in his late sixties, mother's still in her prime beautiful as ever except for the few gray hairs she has now. I got undressed and put on a pair of black leggings and my Harvard tee shirt
I hope tomorrow turns out better than today, hopefully my sister in law calmed my sister down a bit. I was thinking about going to the mall and inviting Francesca tag along just get the hotel for a couple of hours, the party doesn't start until 6:00 in the evening. Mother usually goes all out when it comes to special occasions, let's not get started on Christmas thanksgiving and so on.
But this time she hired a party planner, l guess I inherited throwing huge gatherings from my mother. Stephanie likes sports like Dad does, they both enjoy basketball baseball lockey. He plays golf every Sunday morning with his friends down at the country club that he and mom belong to, there was a knock on my door. I got up from the bed to go see who it was, l looked through the peep hole, and seen Francesca standing there with her hair pulled up looking like Lena. I opened up the door and let in, mom told me to come over here till her mommy come back from downstairs in the lounge she says to me, it's fine your more than welcome to keep me company Alex told her niece who looked everywhere but at me. Look l think we need to a talk first l know your mad at me because I stopped coming around lately Alex said
It's fine momma told me you were going through something Francesca said, she was right l was but l'm getting better. It was never my intention to shut you out like l did as adults we need time to sort out certain things in our lives, it wasn't nothing against you personally l just had a lot on my plate and I should have called you. It's hurts my heart to see you angry at me over something I did. This one's on me and not you, so I was thinking we can go to the mall and do some shopping and have lunch my treat how does that sound Alex asked her niece
Okay l'm sorry I was being mean towards it's just when Callie left, l didn't have none to talk to anymore and then you shut me out. I feel like you didn't love me anymore
Francesca says to auntie Alex, hey hey like I told you before your favorite niece and of course I love you kid
How bout we order a hot fudge sundae with the works
Alex suggested, hell yeah that's what l'm talking about
Francesca States. As Francesca hugs Alex tight

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