The anniversary party

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Stef's: POV
It's the day of my parents anniversary party l really don't wanna go after the big blow up with my father and I recently had at dinner a few days ago. What he said really hurt my feelings, my mother called me and told me she wanted me to come. I'm only gonna go because it means a lot to my mom, if it wasn't for her l wouldn't be going. Dad is the same stubborn man he refuses to change. I be glad once we return back home, my wife has been my rock these few days as well as my sister Alex, l'm the oldest she and I have a pretty good relationship. I just wanna see her happy again, ex girlfriend really broke her heart.
Alex buries herself in her work these days. I hate to see so unhappy, everytime I asked Alex is she alright. She tells she's fine which l knew is a lie, Lena's in the shower
While l'm getting dressed. Francesca was in here not to long ago getting her clothes, she probably will be spending the night with Alex again apparently their back on good terms. My baby girl was hurting once her aunt stopped coming over the house, l feel like I could nothing right in my father's eyes. Lena came out the bathroom wrapped up in a towel l can't help the naughty thoughts that run through my mind. We made love last night till this morning, the way she was moaning my name out loud turned me on. I know we didn't have time for another round, my mother was sending the car service to pick us up in a half hour, even when I persistent she wouldn't hear none. Tomorrow we're getting together with Lena's parents for brunch, l rather spend time with them instead of my own family. Stewart and I get along great he never made me uncomfortable as long as I treated his little girl with love and respect, l wish my other daughter could have come home this weekend but she was in the middle of midterms. Lena's thinks she has a boyfriend, Callie's eighteen years old, why am I always the one out of the hoop. That my children couldn't come to me and talk like they do my wife cause l'm known as the strict mom, Lena has a calmer demeanor than l do
Callie is like me laid back and Francesca is a total mommy's girl, babe can you zip me please Lena asks me
I go up from the bed. Danm woman that dress looks sexy
But l'm afraid you'll have to go change Stef says to her wife.
What's wrong with it Lena questioned? I don't those men at the party staring at you like your their last meal
Stef said. Fine l go put on the red sundress instead happy now, Lena walks out of the room fuming. Lena is a beautiful woman l didn't want my father's friends from his job hitting on my wife once they start drinking they become flirty and I won't subject my baby to those pigs
It makes me sick just thinking about it, we weren't gonna stay long anyway. Lena comes back out in a different outfit, happy now Stephanie Lena says in a cold tone
Babe trust me on this, you've never meant my dad's friends from the squad their down right disgusting the way they degrade women is disrespectful Stef tells Lena
My love you need to relax sit down and take a few deep breaths in and out. Shut out everything in your mind
Go to that happy place and tell me what you see Lena said
I see us on a topical island surrounded by blue water
Where walking hand and hand laughing Stef Stated
Now open up your grey eyes and tell me how you feel
Lena asked, l feel lighter like a weight off my shoulders
Stef replies. Good let's get ready to go to this celebration
And then we can come back and have a nice relaxing bath
I know you don't really wanna go after the things your father said last night at dinner hurt your feelings cause it hurt mine, now if my dad heard him talking like that
It would be a different story you know how protective he can be when it comes to me Lena said. Trust me baby l know how your father is, l never want to get on his bad side. I'm gonna try to put it out of my mind tonight, that doesn't mean I can forgive and forget right away, regardless of this gathering l promise to be on my best behavior Stef told Lena. I don't want you to change who you are for him and nobody else just be the amazing person I married Lena explains, suddenly my cellphone rings, l answer it Stef listens to the person on the phone talk. Okay we'll be downstairs in a few minutes Stef said as she ends the call, that was the driver he's here Stef says
we gather our things and take the elevator down to the lobby. Where we spot Alex and Francesca sitting in the lobby, we'll it took you guys long enough to get down here
Mom called me and wanted to know what was taking us so long because all the guest have already arrived Alex tells me. I simply rolled my eyes, my sister inherited my mother's bossiness, you didn't need to wait for us cause the driver called to notify me he was outside waiting
Stef speaks. We got in the black Ford explorer
The drive to my parents was rather quiet than usual
Lena was holding my hand the entire way, l spotted the driver stealing glances at my wife in the rear view mirror
When I gave him an evil glare he turned away. Luckily l had my gun on me. Lena wouldn't be pleased if she knew l had it on me, we slowly pulled up to the house. Where there over thirty cars parked all over the place, the man got out of the car and came around to open the door for us to get out. He looks at me up and down, l stare at him hard. I held my hand out for Lena to take it she took hold of my hand, then Alex thanks him for opening up the door
We ring the door bell and Madeline the maid invites inside. There's was dozen of guest in attendance Lena held my hand tightly, l knew how much she dislike crowds due to her anxiety. Baby it's alright I'll stay with you the whole night, l see Francesca has manage to spot her grandparents. I'm gonna go say hello to mom and Dad
I will bring you too a glass of wine Alex said to her sister
Alex felt bad for Lena because of her phobia of crowds
Stefanie I thought that was you Myrtle says to her niece
Hi aunt myrtle how long has been Stef asks. Maybe a few years Myrtle replies, l see life has been good to the both of you. Where's Callie she would always have something interesting to tell me, the tall blonde States. l'm sorry auntie she wasn't able to get time away from school due
It was midterms. She might be coming home for Thanksgiving, Stef tells her aunt. Why did your daughter choose to go so far away to college, Myrtle inquired
Callie wanted establish her independence Lena stated anyway where's miss Francesca did she come with you
The older woman asked. She went to see her nana and papa, Stef says to her aunt. Oh well l think l'm gonna go over to the bar and get me a glass of wine Myrtle walks off
Lena just shook her head at Myrtle's antics, babe you should go say hello to your mom Lena said. We walked through the crowd, l spotted my mother talking to someone. Hi sweetheart so glad you guys made it
Did you see your father Elizabeth States, l rolled my eyes at her suggested. No mother we just arrived Stef inform her mom, Lena greets my mom with a kiss on the cheek and hands her a large gift bag from the both of us
Thank you Lena Elizabeth told her daughter in law

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