"Be a good girl and show me what that pretty body can do" - Al-Haitham

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Holy shit this is my first smut book oh god oh god oh god holy sweet mama of Jesus this is making me sweat. I don't think yo guys know how nerve wrecking this is for me since I'm basically  writing my fantasies after listening to playlists with a dirty mind and sharing it to like minded people. I'm watching Fairy Tale after this piece. Here is some things to note as well as warnings, if they make you feel uncomeatable then please wait for the next update. Notes and warnings:

I haven't gotten to the Sumeru Archon Quest yet so characters, settings, plot or other things may not be 100% accurate but I have watched enough tiktoks and YouTube shorts to know how it goes and the major important things. 

Sub!Fem!Reader x SoftDom!Al-Haitham 

Warnings: F0repl4y, f!ng3r!ng, pr4ise k!nk, m4st3r k!nk, cun4l!ngus, d!rty t4lk, str!pp3rs and str!pp!ng, and v4g!nal p3netrati0n  


You're broke. Like super broke. And its all thanks to the Akademiya. There are so many expensive things to pay for. 'What was I thinking what signing up to study here?' The h/c girl cursed herself for her stupid teenage actions. When Y/n was smaller, she often fought with kids older than her as they often teased her for being "dumb" and "stupid". What really got to her was when she was in her last years of elementary school, "You'll never get into the Akademiya". Oh how those words provoked her on a whole different level. Ever since then, she would study endlessly just to get excepted. 

"Why did I even do the entrance exam!" The h/c girls whines as she slowly changes out of her normal clothes. "Thats what happens when you act before you think" Kendo, a co-worker of hers removes her undergarments as she looks for her new uniform. "I know, I want to drop out as its a pain in the ass but my mom won't allow that" Y/ns chuckle at the thought. "Honestly, I think that you need to get therapy from what I've heard so far. Like seriously your mom sounds so controlling!" Kendo chuckles and slips on her stockings. "Yeah..." The smaller broke girl mutters, barely heard.

"Hey... are you still uncomfortable with performing on stage?" Its slightly obvious to the taller, not so broke woman. "I guess you could say that" Y/n chuckles, trying to ease both the tension and her nerves. However, it as expected did not work. "Y/n... you know... if you want, I can talk to our boss so that maybe you can have a much more comfortable role! Remember when you simply wanted to dance instead of strip dance on stage? Well I heard that they have a position open! I can talk to him about-" "It's fine, thank you for trying to help though" Y/n cuts her rambling redhead friend off, feeling lucky that though she has, no, had to strip dance for money she was able to get a good friend out of it. 

"Y/n, we have a VIP client who requested that you dance for him, I heard hes from the Akademiya!" A senior stripper comes up, running up to Y/n panting in her huge 12 inch heels. "VIP? Do you have any information about him?" You question, praying to Lesser Lord Kusanali and all archons and gods that its not a creepy older man like last time. "Super attractive and young. Super rich too. I also heard hes smart as well! Around your age but maybe a year or two older and is your sponsor!" She squeals, hands intertwined with her own as she jumps repeatedly on the spot. A shiver ran down Y/n's spine, palms and armpits sweating profusely as she tried to keep her cool, calm and collected demeaner.  

"My sponsor? What is he doing here? I didn't think I was going to to meet him any time soon! And why here of all places? *GASP* Does he know I work here? He must if he is requesting that I do a private dance for-" The youngest out of everyone in the room starts panicking. She had been receiving money from an anonymous sponsor for a few months now. Not enough money for some research material? Bought and delivered for you. Need funds for equipment? In a neatly sealed box right at your doorstep. Need someone to invest in your research? Someone has bought it and payed a little extra! "Oh! And he also gave me this to give to you. He said that he wanted to reward you after you perform by the way" She leaves skipping. 

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