"How about you be the train and I'll be the railroad?" - Scaramouche

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Heyo, I pre-made this a lot quicker than I expected. But thats good. Anyways here is a small turn of events that will be happening at the end ;p 

Dom!Fem!Reader x Sub!Scaramouche 

If any of the following warnings make you feel uncomfortable then skip this chapter, read the other chapters, or read some of my other work. 

Warnings: Mentions of 4lc0h0l and 4lc0h0l usage, m0mmy k!nk, 0v3rst!mul4t!0n, cr34mp!3, sl!ight s3xu4l 4dv4nc3s, g3tt!ng t0uchy with other women and men, m4rk!ng, v4g!n4l p3n3tr4t!0n, unpr0t3ct3d s3x 


How did you get into this situation you may ask? Maybe it was the alcohol that made you pin Scaramouche down to the bed, the door locked, his legs trembling from the speed you're pounding into him, music blasting in the living room, people raving and trashing up the area outside of the door, and his cock painting your pretty, velvety, gummy walls with white as he moans into your ear how he wants more. Maybe its all the alcohol at work with how your stomach was coiling faster and faster. Maybe it was the alcohol speaking with how Scaramouche was praising you and being nice and submissive and breedable. 

Maybe it was all the alcohol's doing but you would gladly do it again. But lets rewind the clock for your puny confused mind since time manipulation is a vast and complex idea to explain to you. This happened a couple of hours ago when Scaramouche, your university dormmate, threw a party to help "get rid of the feelings for his ex girlfriend". Earlier this week, Scaramouche found his girlfriend cheating on him with his younger sister Shogun. To say he was "mortified" would be an understatement, to he was livid would be an understatement, to say he hated her would be an understatement. That day, he returned home to you, crying and cursing his heart out. 

You were playing Mario Cart on your Nintendo when you saw him crying and cursing. Jumping off the couch, you quickly make your way to engulf the crying man and comfort him despite the insults and curses he spat at you. Of course, you knew that he was only emotional from the break up, and he would eventually apologize is his own way. After calming the lad down, you hugged him close to you as you whispered what happened and how you could make it better. He shakily responded saying how his girlfriend cheated on him, slept with another man while screaming at him that it was your fault. 

Flabbergasted, you asked how. He sniffled on your neck, rubbing his nose before saying that she has suspected that the two of you were sleeping behind closed doors. You rubbed his back in response, then asked how you can make him feel better. He stayed silent. Thats when you had the idea of wrapping him up in a burrito and forcing him to watch a movie. You fed him and helped him drink. He felt much better, so much better that he ended up being nice to you, and he even fell asleep on you, a small smile plastered on both of your faces at the comforting atmosphere that has been created. But how did that go from this to what happened hours ago. 

Scaramouche threw a loud party with a lot of classmates, upper and lower classmen, and many strangers. The throbbing bass from the music was pounding against your skull as you tried to focus on your homework. Sighing in defeat, you got up from your desk and stepped out of your room, making sure to lock the door behind you in the hopes that your belongings would remain untouched. Pushing your way through the sea of people in the hallway, you realized that there were so many strangers here tonight. Making your way over to Scaramouche, your mind focused on the task at hand, to pull him aside and talk with him.

"Scara, we need to-" Before you can utter another word, you freeze at the sight in front of you. 

𝒯𝒽𝑒𝒾𝓇 𝐿𝓊𝓈𝓉𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝒢𝒶𝓏𝑒~ Genshin Impact Men x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now