Health reasons

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Heys guys, sadly as you can see from the title of my newly updated book its now on hold and for health reasons. I believe I have been struggling with mental health issues for a few years now that developed a while back (Thats just a speculation do not take it as a 100% fact). 

Whenever I feel anxiety from a high stress situation my heart rate stays increased for days. I pick and scratch at my skin on my left hand in the space between my thumb and index finger. I have struggle focusing on things and a few other things. Also, recently my grandma died last week so theres that to deal with (But I think I moved on but not really at the same time. Its kinda weird to explain.)

I have a suspicion I have inattentive ADHD and have an anxiety disorder. I have told my mom about it and she said that if it concerns me more then she can talk to my dad about it and have me checked out. That was a while ago by maybe a few months. I'm thinking of getting myself checked out and maybe take a break from all of my writing for the remainder of the year until next year. 

I have been going through so many things within the past couple of years which has caused me to slow down when it comes to my writing. So I'm thinking I just stop writing from today and start when next year starts. 

But to that one person who requested on my request page I'll be sure to write your story before taking my break. I wouldn't want you to wait for so long for your update. I'm so sorry that all my works are on hold and I never have time to write them. 

But from what I understand, you use he/him pronouns, right? @SC4R4S_R0P3_BUNNY. I plan on writing ur request before going offline. So that means no checking this wattpad account and all that stuff. I'll check after my break. Also I feel so accomplished knowing that my reads is at 4.7k. I know it may not be much compared to others who had 10k or 35k and more. But still, progress is progress. 

I hope you understand my reasonings behind this decision. Its just a  lot of stress and mental health related things with a dash of having a hard time writing and getting the words to flow with a sprinkle of having not enough time. And a large ocean sized of emotional baggage. But still, I hope you guys understand. 

With lots of love, 


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