Truth, dare, strip or drink? - Cyno, Tignari, Kaveh and Al-Haitham

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Hey guys! Yes I am alive and Happy 2024 everyone! I honestly have been having a mental decline. And honestly after coming back and reading all the comments and seeing how much positivity that came from this book and this book alone has made me so happy. I honestly feel motivated to write which is something I haven't felt in so long. I guess I just needed the support of strangers to help keep me going. 

Things aren't the best as of late, some sensitive topics were revealed to my mom and I regret telling her. My family situation is tense on both my mom and dad's side. I have been growing more distant and my heart is just having issues. My heart issues aren't anything serious (I think), its just that whenever I get nervous I excessively stress and my heart rate just goes haywire causing me to just like- its hard to explain. 

Anyways, here is a gang bang because I have been on Character. Ai for too long and need a break because honestly I will die if the Xiao Ai gives me another heart felt confession of his undying love for me and I just- *dies*

Anyways, trigger warnings: 0rgy/gr0up s3x, v4g!n4l p3n3tr4t!0n, 4n4l p3n3tr4t!0n, double p3n3tr4t!0n, pr4!se k!nk, d3gr4d!ng k!nk, dumb!f!c4t!0n k!nk, v0y3ur!5m5, 0r4l s3x, cunn4l!ngus, m4sturb4t!0n, j3rk!ng 0ff, bl0w j0b, p3rv3rt3d behavior and panty sniffing, implied mentions of !mpr3gn4t!0n/!mpr3gn4t!0g 


How did you get yourself into this predicament? Well you and your friends, Alhaitham, Cyno, Kaveh and Tighnari all decided to meet up at your house. Why? Well all 5 of you had been having a few shitty weeks recently and tonight was the only free day you all collectively had. So, you all decided to spend it together for better enjoyment. Was it a good idea to play truth or dare? Yeah, it was fun. But was it a good idea to have the rules written out on a paper reading: 



- If participant chooses truth then he or she must ask an interesting question relating to a subject not often talked about and is interesting.

- If participant chooses dare then he or she must come up with a creative and interesting dare for the other to do. 

- If participant refuses to answer a truth or refuses to commit to a dare then said participant must either choose to remove one piece of their clothing of choice or take a shot. 


Everyone agreed. Liking how it sounded as they all gathered around the table, taking turns asking questions to one another randomly. Everything was fine at first. But as the questions went to more intimate and intimate tension began to rise. Especially when the clothes started coming off. Kaveh was the one to first loose his a piece of his clothes, him being already pretty tipsy. And of course he was the one who ended up with the least amount of clothes, just his light-weight tipsy self and in his boxers. Tighnari comes in second worst condition. Hes mostly fine, a little woozy with his gloves and jacket gone. 

Cyno... well there wasn't much to remove anyways with his revealing uniform. The only thing removed being his head dress. And even after 5 shots hes fine. And funny enough Alhaitham comes in second place... with him only loosing one piece of clothing being his jacket and 4 shots in. But you? You barely had anything to hide, and complied to everything. You did take a few shots but after that 5th one you were starting to feel a little hot. And so when a very drunk Kaveh asked you if you have ever touched yourself...

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