The twilight sword penetrates the opening of the tied up sheath - Dainseilf

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I'm sorry if daddy- I mean Dain's character is slightly off since I haven't really gotten to fully know him yet. Vid is not mine credits to original creator. 

Switch!Fem!Reader x Dom!Dainseilf

Warnings: V4g!n4l p3n3tr4ti0n, mentions of d34th, g0r3, and k!dn4p!ng. 

If you are uncomfortable then please wait for the next update or check out some of my other works. I hope you enjoy, make sure to vote and leave ur digital foot print here. UwU


{Narrator pov}

Once upon a time, in a land destroyed by the gods and what ever that thing was dwelled synthetic life. These synthetic life forms were called Khaenri'ahns. They were once human. They turned into monsters during the cataclysm 500 years ago. However, pure-blooded Khaenri'ahns were spared from such a fate, and were instead given the curse of immortality. Those who turned into monsters were all linked to the abyss one way or another, while those who were cursed from immortality were forced to roam the lands of Teyvat.

However we aren't going to talk about all of them, but a specific man cursed from immortality who was able to find the comfort he'd been trying to find, which was his lover who was cursed with the same fate. The man was called Dainseilf. He loved a girl named Y/n and was her lover. They met when Dainseilf was on patrol in a nearby town as a direct order from her highness. The reason being was that there were strange occurrences and disappearances in a rural town, which was the first time that it happened within the nation.

Her highness greatly disliked the fact that something terrible has started to occur to her people, for she cared about them dearly. Hence why the twilight sword was summoned and sent to investigate along with who ever he chose to accompany. During their stay at the town, the leader of the group had met a young maiden. Met is an understatement, he saw her from a distance. She was playing some tunes on her violin as she sang happily. Dancing barefoot with a flower crown adorned on her h/c made by the children she gladly played with.

This little act of hers was something she had been doing with the towns people as an attempt to lift their spirits. And to her luck, all her attempts were successful. She was able to bring a smile to all those solemn looking faces. This is what caught his interest. A young, beautiful maiden musically gifted that used her gift to bring a smile on the faces of people around her. The other knights teased the lad which got him over his shyness to talk to her. Much to his surprise, she to was quite shy, yet quite wary of his intentions.

They quickly bonded. The pair spent a lot of their spare time with one another. And if they ever were to invite their friends to join them, it was often found that Dainseilf and Y/n would eventually separate away from the group to spend some quality time alone. And of course this led a lot of teasing from the friends. Eventually after four years of them being friends, they became boyfriend and girlfriend. Oh how Y/n's parents were thrilled that she had found a good looking man to call her own.

Time flew quickly and after another two years, the deeply in love pair had gotten engaged. Friends and family celebrated, a feast was held, made passionate love, even her highness the princess gave the soon-to-be-wed her blessings. Her highness proposed that the two can live in a beautiful manor built to their liking. Of course they couldn't accept, but her highness kept persisting. After their home was built and wedding preparations were being made, one day the h/c girl in a yellow dress sat her darling down. 

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