Who says a library is just for studying? - Kaveh

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Hey guys~ Vid not mine credits go to the original creator and I hope u enjoy you honky sussy little UwU bakas 

Sub!Fem!Reader x Soft!Dom!Kaveh

Warnings: F!ng3r!ng, 0r4l, semi-public, angst to fluff to smeggsy time, cussing, harassment and assault. 

If any of these make you uncomfortable I advise you to skip this chapter and wait for the next.


{Narrator pov}

"Agh no I say that arches with these swirls would make for a better exterior than what every THAT is! It looks like a hard dick for crying out loud!" 

"Y/n for the last time the pillars will make for a better support than those limping dicks!" 

The h/c and blonde had been fighting for around thirty minutes. Their two other partners decided to leave the bickering two alone in the library as they didn't want to listen and get in trouble for a third time. The two kept it down after the librarian warned them a second time. After all, they both have a reputation to keep in order to get what they want. 

"I don't understand why you're so insistent on having arches. Pillars require more maintenance and are more susceptible to damage!" 

"You clearly have no taste. Arches add elegance and grace to any building. Pillars are just boring and plain." 

"Excuse me? I have plenty of taste. And for the first time I'm saying that practicality should come before aesthetics." 

"You're just being stubborn. Arches are the way to go. And I don't understand why you're so against them." 

"Because they're not practical!" 

"That's just a weak argument. Plus, they look so much better than pillars!" 

"You're just jealous that I have better taste than you." Y/n's voice begins to feel slightly off, a sign that she should stop talking so much and leave to be the more mature one.

Pinching her nose "I'm done" She mutters out. 

"Done with what?" The famous architect asks, scoffing at those words. 

"Done with this conversation. Done with you" The anger seeping through her voice made the words sting Kaveh just a little inside. Though he would never admit it. 

"Woah, hold on. What did I do?" He puts his hands in the air defensively. 

"It's not just one thing, Kaveh. It's everything. You're so self-centered and only care about yourself" Now those words did hurt slightly more. 

"That's not true..." He tries to be angry, but the words come out more off feeling..? Like he was slightly hurt. However, the once observe, cooperative, reasonable and quiet Y/n was no longer, now a oblivious, oppressive, unreasonable and loud Y/n has possessed her.

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