"For tonight, can I be your master?" - Thoma

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Haven't done his hangout yet TwT but I got a good idea since I finished the Inazuma part of the archon quest. This got hard for me again idk why tho- I hope you enjoy what my suffering created. Warning as per usual are right below this message. If you don't find any of the following comfortable to you than you can skip this chapter, wait for the next one or read one of the other chapters I have out. Or you can check out my other works! I don't really care (that is a lie), as long as you're happy and well is all that matter (don't get happy if your doing something bad or harming others, thats a big no no)

Dom!Fem!Reader x Sub!Thoma 

Warnings: B0nd4g3 k!nk, v4g!n4l p3n3tr4t!0n, c0ld pl4y, bl!ndf0ld3d, sound-proof earmuffs, m4st3r k!nk, m0mmy k!nk, pr4!s3 k!nk, bl0w j0b. 


You and Thoma have been dating for over four years. You love him dearly, and he loves you just as much. However, there has been an issue that has been bugging you recently... it started when you looked in a mirror. You stared at your naked self. Analyzing your body, there were no bruises, no hickeys, no bite marks, no markings, no nothing. Not a single mark. You always loved how you looked after making love with the "Fixer" of the Kamisato clan. And what you loved even more about them was how you got them. You panting under him, moaning his name like its some sort of holy mantra that you can't live without. 

The way you gazed at him with those teary eyes, his hands on your hips as he pounds himself into you, his mouth grunting and groaning your name and cursing in Mondstadtian and Inazumain, his eyes half-lidded, sweat running down his entire body and both yours white sweet sticky semen coating both yours and his lower abdomen. Oh how it has been a month since you last felt him in such a manner. So, doing what any low brain juice girlfriend would do, you went to your bestfriend Kelly who even though is more innocent, is still a kinky woman just like you. 

"So what do you need help with" Her afro in two buns, she smiles while handing you some chamomile tea. 

"I need some advice" You murmur, twiddling your thumbs. 

"You, need advice from me?" She sounds like shes in disbelief because she is. She was always been the one asking for advice from you, now its somehow the other way around. 

"Yes, look, I feel more comfortable talking to you about my sex life than with Priya or Yuko. Yuko is a dude, and a dick, both literally and metaphorically. Priya is innocent but still knows the bare minimum. Dick goes in, pumps, cum in or out and done. If cum in then nine months later boom baby. You are the person who taught me some of the kinks I have, you are also a woman so I instantly thought of you when I needed help" The h/c girl takes a sip. 

"Okay, what is it that you need help with?" Reasons running through her head, she waits for her bestfriend to say which one was on her mind or even if it was at all. 

"Well... as you know, Thoma and I have been dating for four years now. Recently, well for the past month we haven't banged once and I'm starting to get more needy and my fingers can't satisfy me now. I want to initiate sex with him but I feel like we are going a bit stale now... what do you think I should do" You sigh at the end of your explanation. 

"Okay, first of all eww you masturbate? Second, who is dom in these situations? Third I thought it was about how you're still not married" She places her empty cup down on the small glass table in front of her. 

𝒯𝒽𝑒𝒾𝓇 𝐿𝓊𝓈𝓉𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝒢𝒶𝓏𝑒~ Genshin Impact Men x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now