Kiss me from foot to my little friend - Thoma

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#Mentallydeclinnig #Help #Gotschool #Toomuchwork #Mylaptophasavirus

Yooo I'm not dead yet 

Sorry for the slow updates 

I got school and my motivation is ass 

And I just got my laptop a virus which sucks

But like I know I gotta like feed u guys some how 

So enjoy this kinky chapter you kinky little shits 

Ps. I'm sick too 

Also I'm sorry its so short I made this in a rush I just really wanna remove the virus from my laptop before I can post more stuff. But because from what I understand it should still be same I just wanna keep it all under control. 

TW: Oral (reader receiving),  fingering, praise kink, overstimulation 


Let me set the scene. 

Without filter. 


His head between your thighs eating your pussy and turning it into an ocean of slick with his tongue and fingers. 

Your thighs? 

Squeezing his head motivating him. 

His body? 

Humping the bed creating some friction. 

Your body? 

Squirming violently and moaning loudly. 

Thoma and your hands? 

Laced and interlocked with each other and as a form of grounding for you both. 

Your body is so overstimulated and overwhelmed with the sensations. 

Why are you both like this? 

Simple... lets set the scene... 

{1 hour ago}

"Thoma? Can I ask you something?" You ask your loving boyfriend shyly. 

"Why of course darling. What is it that you wanna ask love?" He asks, as he clips the stems of a the latest flowers that came into your home yesterday that he got you for your date night. 

"I want you to eat me out until I cum twice on your tongue and then after that you can continue to eat me out while you proceed to finger me which I want you to do five times. And then directly after that give me a 30 second cool down and then fuck me. Make me cum on your cock. Keep me overstimulated, breed me, creampie me multiple times and impregnate me. I want a baby." You explain with a demanding aura. 

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