Integration gone right...? - Childe

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Hey guys. I was busy with studies and editing a chapter for another work of mine. I also had a lack of motivation due to burn out from overworking so I apologize for my lack of self care. I hope you enjoy this chapter and see you at the end! 

Warnings: Vagainal perpetration, mentions of sex toys, slight gaging?, creampie, overstimulation, marking, marking kink, there is a fight here, sex while someone is unconscious in the background, passing out from being overly pleasured, yandere behavior at the end?, possessiveness at the end, plot twist at the end. 

If any of the warnings make you uncomfortable then read a chapter i have already put out, check some of my other works or save this to your library and follow e so that you can get an update every time I update this story and release a new book. I hope you enjoy, bye!


Lady Y/n the short yet intimidating. Or Lady Y/n, closest friend of Lady Ningguang. That is what you're known as to the people of Liyue. But you're also known as little song bird. little flower or little gem. This may or may not be related to your height, uh you choose. As you walk along the hustling and bustling streets of Liyue having a good time, you find yourself to be in the presence of one of the Adeptus that work for your dear friend. 

"Ah, Ganyu dear. How may I help you?" You ask, leaning away from the fragrances from Ying'er's recommended collection for you. 

"Greetings Lady Y/n, I came here as I was personally sent here by Lady Ningguang. She requests that you come as soon as you can." She states, and just by observing her, you could tell that the matter is nothing good if Ning wants you involved. 

Nodding your head in a silent acknowledgement, exit the store "Perhaps after I'm done with this whole ordeal Ying?" You turn and wave goodbye. 

"Any time is always full of pleasure Lady Y/n~" Ying'er grins as you leave. 

Shaking your head, you and the blue haired Adeptus make way to Bu'yun. Chatting with a few children and elderly people along the way as you make your way through the streets. Soon arriving at your destination, you recite the special code Lady Ningguang gave you. 

"Do you perhaps know the value of the brightest star?" You ask, smiling as you said that line. It really has been a while since you last had seen your friend. 

"Ah, Lady Y/n, right this way please" He gestured as you got in. 

Finally arriving at the Jade Chamber, more like Jade Palace, you walk in. Bowing to the millelith that surround and guard the area around the floating building. After entering the golden house (Hehe, did you get it?), you swiftly head to Ningguang's office. Arriving in front of the door, you gently yet firmly knock on it a couple of times. 

"Great to see that you could make it Y/n. Come in" She opens the door. 

"How did you know it was me?" You giggle as you walk in. 

"You have a distinctive little pattern that you always do when you knock, So every time you knock I always know when its you. So I recommend that if you ever want to catch me off guard, then do something different" She chuckles as she gestures you to take a seat. 

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