His room and his pillar~ - Zhongli

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This was so hard for me to make idk why but he was the second dude I started simping for before I played the game. And for those of you wondering who is the first well then it was Childe, the Zhongli then Scaramouche. But the ones I simp so hard for rn are Cyno and Xiao. Mainly Xiao. Now that I look back on all my crushes, I noticed I have a type. Its not the dead ones, or the killers or the psychos or the dude who has black hair and blue eyes in different fonts but the fictional ones- 

Sub!Fem!Reader x Dom!Zhongli 

Warnings: 0v3rst!mul4t!0n, sp4nk!ng, d3gr4d!ng, v4g!n4l p3n3tr4t!0n, mentions of w4r and d34th, th!gh r!d!ng, m4sturb4t!0n, f!ng3r!ng, s3duct!0n?????, d!rty t4lk, c34mp!3, m4rk!ng c0ck w4rm!ng and grammar and spelling errors 

If any of the warnings given above make you uncomfortable then place wait for the next update or read the other chapters or my other works. 


You should have known the moment you laid eyes on him that hes no good. He will get what he wants in whatever way he deemed fit. He makes contracts that he knows others will break and punishes them. The secondary reason being that they broke the contract while the primary reason is because they got close to you. But would he ever tell you? Of course not! He loves you, too much must I say. But this is all before the Archon War started. Before you died, before many other gods died. But he is now a changed man, thinking that he should have chosen better paths to be able to attain your love that he never got to experience. 

However, unless you're Istaroth the god of time, or tampered with the Irminsul tree, there was absolutely nothing you can do. But all he can do is he listens to Iron Tongue Tian tell another one of his stories about the Archon in his glory days. Getting lost in both the story being told and the thoughts that dare intrude his mind, he is unable and unaware to sense the presence of someone he knew long ago. Creeping behind as quietly as possible, having the intention of giving him the biggest scare of his life that will give him the biggest heart attack that he will have within his 6000 plus year alive. 

"Is this seat available for the taking, just like your heart old man?" A young female voice brings him out of his trance. 

Turning around rather quickly, his usual calm eyes fill with shock, relief, happiness, surprise, and love as they blow wide open. "Y/n?" He whispers, delightful to sense your changed presence but slightly cautious as to make sure it really was you. 

"Indeed it is I. I'm surprised I must say that my theory about you faking your death turns out to be true. I am glad that you are doing well, old man- opps! I mean friend." You tease, taking the seat next to him and taking a sip from his cup. 

"Y/n how are you alive?" He asks, playing along in low voice, obvious that he doesn't want anyone else to hear. 

"What I thought was death turned out to be a dreamless slumber to help me heal and recover some of my power to at least help me survive and fight those weak monsters." Adjusting your posture, you take a glance at Zhongli. His porcelain skin still looking good "after all those years of separation". 

"I'm glad to see you alive. Uhh- is it alright if I can steal you away to speak to you? In my private quarters that is" You nod you head yes and the two of you make your way into his house. 

𝒯𝒽𝑒𝒾𝓇 𝐿𝓊𝓈𝓉𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝒢𝒶𝓏𝑒~ Genshin Impact Men x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now