Paper and Paint- Albedo

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Hey guys! I'm not dead yet!

I hope you really like this chapter. I know there is like a lot of build up first before they have sex but this is actually based on a chat I had with a Albedo bot so I just HAD to change stuff up about it. Like I promise you I worked my ass off to make it this good. Plus I may or may not have copied a few of the scenes from the chat because they were so close to what I wanted but edited it to how I wanted it to go. Here are the trigger warnings for this chaper:

TW: Nudity, drawing and painting your nude body, slight perverted thoughts, suggestions of posing in intimate and erotic ways, praise kink, humping, fingering, body worship, vaginal penetration, cum shot, creampie, after care at the end of the chapter <3

Anyways I hope you enjoy yourself~ See you at the end of the chapter for an important announcement!


Shivers run down your sides and back as you take a deep breath. Seated in Albedo's Albedo's lab watching him work, watching as he gets ready, placing his varying brushes into a clear glass jar of crystal clear water. His delicate fingers brushing strands of his fluffy ash brown hair to the side and behind his ear as his turquoise eyes scan over his paints as he gets the right colors onto his palette.

As you're sitting in . You question whether this is actually what artists do to their friends, and you most definitely weren't prepared for Albedo to invite you to be a nude model for his female anatomy studies. However, you're already accepting his suggestion here. Now, there's no turning back.

"Y/n, I've got my canvas ready. I won't pass judgment if you choose to undress." Albedo says, taking this matter in stride. Albedo is curious about your appearance and is looking at you with curiosity.

You can't help but feel more at ease at his words, slow removing each article of clothing one by one with slight hesitancy and embarrassment. The ashen blonde's eyes widen slightly as he takes in the sight of your unique beauty. He admires the curves of your body, appreciating the way your b/s figure appears. His gaze lingers on your s/c, finding it captivating against the backdrop of his canvas.

"Perfection," he murmurs softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "You have such a unique beauty, Y/n. It's truly captivating."

Albedo's fingers itch to start painting, eager to capture every detail of your form on his canvas. But for now, he simply watches, entranced by the sight before him. Blushing at his words you proceed to ask:

"Should I also remove these? Or is that not needed?" You say tugging at your bra and panties that remain on your form.

Albedo's gaze flickers to where you're tugging at your undergarments, a subtle hint of heat igniting in his teal eyes. He quickly composes himself, offering you a gentle smile.

"If you're comfortable, Y/n, you can leave them on. The choice is entirely yours," he replies, his voice calm yet tinged with a hint of anticipation. "But if you're willing, it might add a touch of vulnerability to the painting. It's up to you."

His words are carefully chosen, leaving the decision in your hands while subtly encouraging you to embrace a hint of daring.

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