Jealousy jealousy - Kazuha

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I have prepared a shorter and more light smut here for you Kazuha simps. Hope you enjoyed this and please make sure to vote, like, comment and share so that you can make more like minded people happy. And in case you enjoy reading my content then please check out my other work. And if you also enjoy that make sure to follow me so that you get notifed when I upload a new book and add any of my books to your library so that you get notified whenever I update it. And as per usual please skip this chapter if any of the following warnings make you uncomfortable: 

Warnings: Bl0w j0b, j34l0us s3x, 0r4l s3x, bl0w j0b, cun4l!ngus,  m4tur4t!0n, 69, light s3x, pr4!s3 k!nk, f!ng3r!ng 


Kazuha's eyes narrow as he watches you talking to another guy, a wave of unfamiliar emotions washing over him. Jealousy, an emotion he rarely experience, slowly behin to build up within him. It was a disconcerting sensation, one that he has trouble understanding and controlling. As he tries to compose himself, the feeling that he needs to have a word with you building and becoming stronger.

You're talking to another crew member, engaging in friendly conversation. The other guy seems rather nice... too nice for the samurai's comfort. The blonde always is making you laugh and occasionally causing you to blush. However, he isn't  as charming or captivating as your fellow boyfriend. Despite knowing that you loved him, Kazuha couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy whenever he saw the two of you together. As you hang out with one of the guys from the crew, his super nice and cracking funny jokes making you laugh and blush. You can't help but find yourself drawn to his charming personality and infectious sense of humor. 

"Y/n, doll, could I have a word with you?" Kazuha ask, wrapping his arms around you.

"Oh, Kazuha! You scared me!" Your body eases within his hold. "And sure, what do you wanna talk about?" You ask, raising a brow. 

"Well, all I can say dove is that I would wish to speak with you... in private." He says, eyeing the blonde to which you catch on.

"Of course, sorry, please excuse me" You dismiss yourself before walking away and into your shared bedroom with Kazuha clinging to your side. 

You walk into your room and lock the door for privacy. "What do you want to talk about Kazu?" You ask. 

"Its about him. That man who keeps depriving me of your time and attention by taking you away from me." He pulls you into a hug. Gently wrapping his arms around your waist as he holds you close. You let out a small giggle. 

"I'm sorry if it's irritating that I want you all to myself every time you visit. After all, we are lovers." You tease the wandering samurai and kiss him. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you shared the moment with him. 

Kazuha runs his fingers along your sides he holds you close. His hands soon finding purchase on the small of your back. You smile kissing him back, the chaste kiss gentle like always. He'd never push for anything more because it is you that is asking for it. You would love for him to want you as badly as you want him. To kiss you passionately.

To hold you.

Hold you.

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