"How many rounds do you think you can take?" - Xiao

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Hey guys, sorry for the late update. Life is slowly coming back together but not really. I hope you can forgive me by reading this chapter of my absolute FAV MOTHERFUKING CHARACTER I MEAN WHO DOESN'T LOVE XIAO? HES THE BEST MAIN DPS, OVERALL DPS, SUB DPS, ANEMO CHARACTER, POLERAM CHARACTER, OVERALL CHARACTER, THE HOTTEST CHARACTER AND DON'T MAKE ME RUN MY FULL LIST ON WHY HES MY #1 HUSBANDO IN GENSHIN LIKE ITS TOO LONG (like that d-). I made sure to put a lot of my kinky mind to this because everything I wrote here is what I want him to do to me like I'm sorry. 

And as usual here are the warnings, if you find any uncomfortable or don't like any then please wait for the next update, read the chapters I posted before, read any of my other books, or save this to your library and wait for the next update or better yet follow me. Warnings are here: 

Warnings: Y4nd3r3 l!k3 b3h4v!0r, sugg3st3d mUrd3r, accidentally dRugg3d, m4rk!ng, m4rk!ng k!nk, mult!pl3 p0s!t!0ns, on the bed, 0r4l, f!ng3r!ng, r!d!ng, 0v3rst!mul4t!0n, br33d!ng k!nk, cr34mp!3, pr4!s3 k!nk, b0dy w0rsh!p, d!rty t4lk, slightly jealous s3x? And c0ck w4rm!ng 


Xiao, a 20 year old collage student who often comes of as cold, distant, anti-social and rude to many students. Oh but please don't get me started with you. He doesn't even like anyone like you, no one, he hates everyone and anyone like you. He doesn't even want anyone like you because he just wants you. You were the one that helped him and provided comfort when he was at his lowest, when all his siblings died while he was the lone survivor. So how could or would he ever bring himself to be rude and distant to you? And besides, when everyone knew that he needed help no one was there to lift him off the ground and into their warm embrace like you. 

He did it all for you, and only for you. So when you asked him in the library if you could study with him, students were ready for your request to be turned down. But the look of shock when he said he would and that you should study with him in his dorm left them with wide mouths that hung low to the floor. You gave him a toothy grin before saying thanks and walked away from him. He had to postpone his plans on one of his rivals for later. He didn't need anyone getting in his way for his pursuit for your love, after all, he didn't need any obstacles to get into your heart. 

{Time Skip to an hour later}

After knocking on his door, you wait patiently for him, wondering what the two of you will be working on side by side. After a bit of shuffling and muffled curses on the other side, the dark haired man with streaks of teal and dark green opens the door. 

"Hello Y/n, come in." He says as he allows you to come through. 

"Thanks" You quickly bow and mutter out as you enter his dorm. 

He lets you in as he rushes away to another room. Shuffling some things here and there fore coming out with a black towel in hand. 

"Please wait in my room, I'll be right back." He smiled as he walked away. 

You settle down on a chair that was stationed next to an empty one on his table. You pull out a few text books, your pencil case, notebooks, and set your water bottle in one corner as you looked over at your small check note on your phone to see which subject you need to work on. A while later Xiao comes in the room with a small cup of tea for you, the smell divine. 

𝒯𝒽𝑒𝒾𝓇 𝐿𝓊𝓈𝓉𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝒢𝒶𝓏𝑒~ Genshin Impact Men x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now