"Love, do you really think this was the end?" - Al-Haitham

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Hey lovelies sorry that I posted a little late I've been hella busy. This is a quick chapter so I'm sorry in advance, I hope you enjoy and have a wonderful rest of your day! 

Sub!Fem!Reader x Dom!Al-Haitham 

Warnings: Jealous s3x, 0r4l, unpr0t3ct3d,  slight pr4!s3 k!nk, v4g!n4l p3n3tr4t!0n 

Surprisingly there aren't that many warnings but still if any of these make you feel uncomfortable then please wait for the next update or read my other works or previous chapters thanks <3


You and Kaveh were chilling in the living room of your shared house. The two of you were talking about the latest romance novels that came out and lent to him. To say he was surprised that the novels that you read were mostly erotica would be a major understatement. To say that he enjoyed your taste in reading material would be correct. He liked the author's writing style a lot. (*Cough cough* that was me *cough cough*) He liked how the author paced the story, slowing down in the more intense moments and going at a faster pace with the less intense moments. You told him after his small rant about the author's writing style that you read a lot of books like the ones in your private collection of book when you were a teen. 

After you had told him that, he was like "woah for real? I didn't know you had such a filthy mind when you were a child back in those days. I was collecting random things I found to make little architectural things while you were reading the most filthy erotica..... what was the name of the first erotic book you ever read?" The conversation went along the lines of that. While the two of you chatted away, Al-Haitham arrived back home from his small trip to the desert. As he walks into the living room, he eyes the both of you, wanting you attention as an envious feels starts welling up inside of him. 

After standing around being ignored by the both of you, he starts fake coughing to get your attention. As the two of you stop and turn around, you greet Al-Haitham. 

"Hey Haitham, How are you?" You raise a brow, a large smile plastered to your face from the conversation earlier with Kaveh. 

"I'm doing just fine...-" He answers. 

After the small pause in his pause and before he could continue, the two of

After the small pause in his pause and before he could continue, the two of them continue yapping away about their latest projects, the authors writing style and possible foreshadowing in the novel they're reading. Al-Haitham huffs in annoyance. He wanted to speak with you privately, but since you are busy at the moment he will wait for the two of you to finish. He sets his bag down and slumps down on a nearby couch. But he couldn't help the feeling of envy and jealousy building up inside him. As time went on, the young lad and lady still continued to discuss their interests.

Al-Haitham on the other hand struggled to read his book on an ancient civilization in Dragonspine that could have had possible connections to an ancient civilization deep within the grounds of Sumeru. Taking a small break, he watches as Kaveh shuffles closer, cornering you slightly on the couch as the two of you laugh and giggle loudly. The feelings he had been suppressing for a tortuous while got worse. The emotions got so bad that he kept rereading the same sentence over and over again. Something that has never happened. He wanted to suppress them. Trust me he really wanted to.

𝒯𝒽𝑒𝒾𝓇 𝐿𝓊𝓈𝓉𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝒢𝒶𝓏𝑒~ Genshin Impact Men x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now