chapter 10

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leias POV

i stirred for a few seconds and fluttered my eyes before squinting them at the brightness of the room, then I realised the arms wrapped around my body, i immediately shot up forgetting all about the blinding light and stated at callum who stirred for a second before his deep green eyes opened too, he looked about and soon found my eyes, i sat there staring back at him.
"hey" he lazily said.
"hey, do you want anything?"
"what do you mean?"
"coffee or breakfast or something?"
"no, I'm ok, what times it?"his morning voice was very sexy, it was raspy and kinda slurred but it was perfect with his bed head hair style.

"it's ten past ten"
"my mum said she was gonna come back at around half ten"
"I think she still hates me"
"why would she hate you?"
"because of everything I did to you, and because of the dinner"
"I convinced her that your not that bad"
"oh how flattering, am I blushing?" I ask sarcastically, callum just chuckles lightly.

"are you going to get breakfast?"
"no, I don't eat breakfast"
"why not?"
"I'm not hungry in the morning"
"you should see our house in the morning, we eat like pigs"
"define pigs" I challenge.

"my mum gets up first and makes cere, toast, pancakes, all that shit, then wakes up Amy and max, and we all come down and ear what we want, Amy and max usually tackle eachother for the last pancake"
"who usually wins?"
"max, but then I say I want it and he doesn't bother to try to fight me so I give it to her"
"favouritism much?"
"it's not that, he usually gets me back anyway"
"messes up my coffee or whatever"
"how could he be so ruthless?"
"I know"
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick" I tell him getting up and turning to leave.

I go to the bathroom and wash my face and try to tame my hair, if I'm gonna be doing this while he's still in here I'm gonna have to bring shower stuff and a change of clothes.

I make my way back in and callum is reaching for his water biting his lip and holding in a groan of pain.

"callum, sit back, I'll get it for you" I say gently pushing him down on the bed.

"here, you have to be more careful, you have broken ribs and shoulder blade, you can't twist like thag for a while"
"I know, but Im getting stiff"
"after you've recovered, you can move as much as you want, but until then, you can't"
"but it's sooooo boring"
"why don't you read or something?"
"read? books? I don't read"
"really? finally, everyone reads and I'm just like, how the hell?"
"yeah, whats so good about it? why can't you just watch a movie or something?"

callums POV

"leia, your here already? you didn't have to come, how is he today?" my mum asks from the door, coming up to hug me, leia moves pit of the way and takes a seat at the window sill instead.

"i erm, actually spent the night"
"sweetie, you didn't have to do that, and you shouldn't be sleeping in them chairs, especially all night, you'll have a sore back"
"actual-" that's as far as I get before leia cuts me off.
"i know, but I pulled out the recliner so it was more comfortable, I'm fine"
"okay, how are you callum?"
"yeah I'm good, it doesn't hurt too bad anymore"
"your sure? I can get some more painkillers if you want"
"no mum, it's fine"
"okay, Amy and max missed you this morning, max finally got the last pancake"
"dammit" I mutter angrily.
"don't worry, he halved it with Amy"
"really, max? shared food?"
"hey, he's thin"
"yeah, but he eats all the time"
"you used to aswell"
"well have you seen the amount of food you cook?"
"okay, okay, leia, have you ate this morning, i can get you something in the canteen"
"no, I'm fine, i can get you both something if you want"
"are you sure?"
"she doesn't eat breakfast"
"why not? your already so thin, i was scared you'd pass out or something"
"I'm just not hungry in the mornings but I can get you something, i don't mind"
"are you sure?"
"it's no problem"
"okay, well here's-"
"Janet, it's fine, I'll pay, you two relax and I'll be right back" and with that she dissappears out the door.

"she's changed"
"she hasn't changed, she just doesn't hate me"
"so, you two are friends?"
"ok, that's great, now you just have to work on behaviour and you won't have to go to discipline school"
"I know mum"
"why did she stay the night?"
"mum, we didn't do anything"
"oh, no, i didn't mean like that, god no! just wondering, i mean just two days ago, you were at eachothers throat and now..."
"she fell asleep, we both did, but I didn't mind"
"do you want me to stay?"
"what about max and Amy?"
"I suppose, but when her parents get back and discover she's been spending all day and night at the hospital with a boy who she usually hates and could get her sent to discipline school, i just don't see that going down too well"
"don't worry about her parents, and she doesn't hate me and I won't get her sent to discipline school"
"ofcourse her parents will be mad, they'll think somethings going on"
"mum, they won't"
"why are you suddenly so defensive of them, i remember you telling leia that her own parents don't care about her, a few times in different ways"
"I know, but she explained it to me, please just drop it"
"what did she explain?"
"callum, this involves me"
"her parents work for a charity out of the country" I lie.
"which one?"
"I don't know mum"
"does leia?"
"mum don't ask her, just forget about it ok?"

a few moments after that my mum once again breaks the silence.

"callum, i don't like her"
"because just the otherbday, she smashed your phone, then she stormed out of dinner because she can't take a fee comments about her parents, and now suddenly she's nice and generous, staying the night, getting us breakfast, looking after Amy and max, there's something going on, i don't like her, she's been doing unspeakable things to you, for years now, and if i were you, i would stay out of her way"
"mum, i did things to her too, and she was only being a bitch because I was treating her like shit too, she left because the dinner because of that and her parents are a sensitive spot for her, I'm not gonna stay away from her, she's a good person and we are becoming friends"
"callum, it's happening too fast, you can't go from hate to friends so quickly, have you even talked about it properly?"
"not yet, but we will, mum i care about her as a friend and she obviously does for me too, I'm not gonna stay away from her because you don't like her"
"well atleast be careful, what if she's just pretending all of this and she's really just planning to do something big, it'll hurt more if you are friends, i think she's planning something"
"mum she's not"
"callum, just be careful, i don't trust her and neither should you" then someone at the door clears their throat, me and my mum both look and see leia standing awkwardly with two coffees and two cinnamon swirls.

"I'm guessing you don't trust me too eat this food, without thinking it's poisoned?" she asks, trying to send angry but it's obvious she's hurt.

"leia, i didn't mean it like that... Its just not too long ago-"
"I know me and callum have never been the best if friends, but maybe you should atleast give me a chance, for all i know callum is planning something to do to me, he was the one that kept pushing to be my friend"
"I know, it's just, well you were alot more ruthless with the things you did"
"no I get it, who's gonna trust a girl like me? or want their son around anyone like me? I mean how dare I make mistakes and try to make up for them by being nice to his family" she snaps before walking out.
"fuck sake mum" i snap, trying to get out of the bed.
"callum, watch your language and sit down right now, your in no fit state to be moving around, and she doesn't deserve you to go after her, the way she just talked to us"
"talked to you and i really don't blame her" I say pushing her back and standing up, I hold my ribs as I open the door, she not too far ahead, only a few meters.
"callum, come back to bed right now" my mum snaps, i ignore her as I cling to the wall and walk up the hall, in my dressing gown and bare feet.
"leia wait!" I shout after her and hold my ribs as I shouted.
"callum, what the fuck, get back to bed" she says coming back to me, i slide down the wall and hold my ribs in pain.
"callum, what are you thinking!?"
"my phones dead so I wouldnt be able to call you, and I didn't want you to think of me as a dick again"
"fuck sake, come on" she says putting an arm around my shoulder and helping me off the floor.
"where are the bloody doctors when you need them?" she asks angrily.
"calm down, I'm ok" she leads me in and my mum is grabbing her coat and bag, ready to go after us.
"callum, your in no fit state to run off like that!" she scolds me.
"i don't care, i wasn't gonna let her leave"
"come on" leia guided me to the bed and sits me on the edge, she turns me around and slowly lays me down, i since in pain but lay down anyway.
"leia, we all need to have a proper talk about this" is all I hear my mum say before everything goes black.

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