chapter 16

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Leias POV

"I seriously have to go now callum" i whined as he still held my purse hostage.
"come on leia, we both know you don't want to talk to that stuck up bit-"he cuts himself off because of the look im giving him.
"please, finish your sentence" i challenges raising an eyebrow.
"i know better than to do that by now" he says smirking.
"too bad I already know you well enough to know you don't like Mrs Edwards"
"come on, she is stuck up"
"I know, I thought that too when I first met her, but trust me, she's nice and i really can't miss another meeting"
"fine" he groans, He throws my purse at me and I catch it.
"violent are we?"
"you know me"
"whatever, I'll see you later"
"really?" I ask.
"promise?" he pushes.
"promise" I sigh, i hear him chuckle as I close his hospital door and go to McDonald's to meet Mrs Edwards, for our 'important' meeting, in McDonald's.

I meet Mrs Edwards in McDonald's, she surprises me by looking anxious, that makes me anxious, she's the one that came to me in the hospital and explained everything, who didn't even get angry when I scratched her cheek, or kicked the doctor that came at me with a needle, she's the strong one who made sure the foster parents were treating me right and made me understand how Imp school was, even though it didn't make me behave, she's sorted out everything for me always, she helped me everytime i moved and always made sure I felt safe, so why is she nervous?
"hey, leia honey, how are you?" she says getting up to hug me.
"fine, is something wrong?" I ask returning her warm smile.
"erm, no, well yes, but first let's catch up" she says, nervously.
"Mrs Edwards if somethings wrong i want to know" I say sternly.
"i will tell you, but first let's catch up, please?"
"fine" I say sitting down facing her.
"i already ordered you a mango and passion fruit, so how are you, and school, and callum?"
"okay, first off, thank you, I'm good, schools good and callums recovering"
"details, whats happening in your crazy young hip life" she asks, getting excited.
"whats going on with you, is that your first coffee?" I say laughing at her.
"yeah, well in here, i was just at Starbucks"
"thought so"
"tell me what's been going on, anything with callum?" she asks raising a suspicious eye brow.
"okay, well I kissed him, his mum came in, she hates me, she thinks I'm bad for him, but we're gonna sort everything else out before we do anything, we both like eachother it's just there is alot going on"
"what happened to mark!?"
"didn't i tell you?"
"oh sorry, well I actually caught him... Cheating, it wasn't the first time"
"oh my god! That bastard, how are you sweetie?"
"wow, did you just say bastard, after all the lectures you gave me"
"whatever, how are you?"
"I was seriously pissed, it just sort of made me feel like no one cares, he thought I would go crawling back, but after I talked to callum, i felt better, he has an affect on me, i don't know what it is yet, but when I'm feeling really upset or something, he can make me smile, even if i just think about him, which I do alot, I'm starting to notice all these things about him, like his dimples, the sparkles in his eye when he talks about something he's passionate about, or his brother and sister, hoe when he laughs-"
"leia, you like him alot, don't you?"
"do you still love mark?"
"I don't think I ever really lived him, he just made me feel safe, normal, while everything else was happening he was the only stable thing I had, i think that's why I held on so tightly to him, but callums different, yes he makes me feel stable and safe but also happy, like I deserve it"
"does callum know about your parents?"
"yes" she suddenly looks sad, all excitement gone, and I start to get nervous.
"leia, i just got a phone call, your dad was diagnosed with cancer, he has about two months left there's no way he's gonna survive it, hes requested for you to go see him so he can explain why him and your mum did what they did" she says not meeting my eyes, i feel like the air has been sucked from my lungs, its suddenly hard to breathe and the room starts spinning, what gives him the right to request to see me after everything he's put me through, he might die in three months and he's decided suddenly he can't live with his daughter hating him, after everything he thinks telling me why he did it that I'll forgive him, has he felt like this for a while and is using the cancer as an excuse to get me to visit him? I can't, I cant look that man in the eye after everything he out me through, he ruined my life and I only just got it somewhat normal and now he thinks he can come back and take it all away.
"leia, day something" Mrs Edwards begs, i shake my head and note the worry in her boney brown eyes.
"i cant, i won't see him"
"leia, don't you want answers? I know he hurt you but he won't be able to, you just go and sit in front of him, he'll be cuffed to the table and there'll be officers there, he can't hurt you, you deserve answers"
"that's not why he wants to see me, he wants to see how much he's ruined my lifeand if he still scares me, i am not letting him do that"
"leia, you can leave at anytime and callum could go with you, this is the only time you will get answers, you said yourself you deserve happiness and this will put your mind to rest"
"no it won't, it would bring back memories and ruin me all over again, why do you want me to do this? Your meant to want to protect me from him!"
"because you will regret it, you owe it to yourself to atleast know why he did it, atleast think about it?"
"no, he ruined my life and he won't do it again"
"leia, you need this, you only think your happy, this would help you really move on, and callum would be there to protect you and support you"
"I'll think about it, but thats not a yes"
"okay, tell me by next friday, ok?"
"ok" a small smile crept onto my face remembering 'promise'.
"what?" Mrs Edwards asks suspiciously.
"why are you smiling?"
"oh, an inside joke, with me and callum"
"he really does have an affect on you, doesn't he?"
"you can do it, especially with him by your side" before I can reply her phone starts ringing.
"one sec" she says, after two minutes she comes back.
Sorry, i have to go, a real meeting not in McDonald's, tell me by Friday remember, and talk to callum" she says hugging me.
"i will, thank you" I say hugging her back.
"your welcome" with that she leaves and i think about how I'm gonna break the news to callum while eating a mc chicken sandwich and fries.

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