chapter 53

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A few weeks later and me and callum are still going strong, we've managed to be there for all of our classes, only get warned for being disruptive and complete all our work, even when we sneak out we manage to get back without being caught, kyle and hannah are still together and we're starting to see less of him because he's always spending time with hannah, just last night they told eachother they love eachother, he seems happier ever since they started dating and I've forgiven him for traumatising me, callum has been really supportive and convinced me to talk to someone about my parents, it's scary but he agreed to come with me, he really is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I will always love him.
"leia?" callum asks as I lay with him on the sandy hills staring at the stars in callums strong arms.
"yeah?" I answer.
"we should start heading back" he says quietly.
"do we have to? It's so beautiful here" i whine, the shining stars shine brightly against the navy blanket making this such a romantic place, despite how simple it is.
"fine, but youll be tired for tomorrow"
"I can live with that" i say snuggling closer to him, he chuckles and holds me tighter.
"i love you so much"
"I love you too"
"promise" I fall asleep not too long after that.

"leia, wake up" i hear callum gently coo, i stir and open my eyes to see callum shaking my shoulder gently waking me up.
"what?" I moan.
"you have the therapist today" he says softly.
"okay" I say and stretch before getting up, i take a quick shower and get dressed in a pair of dark skinny jeans and a black crop top, I've stopped wearing make up altogether now, courtesy of callum.
"ready?" he asks handing me a bagel, i nod and we walk out to campus, it's sunday so after this callum has planned a date for us, which is pretty hard considering the strict rules here.
"leia smith?" someone calls after we wait for about five minutes, having a thumb war to pass time, we stand up and callum follows me in, sitting in a very cliché room is a young woman about mid twenties, she has ginger hair pulled back into a tight bun and smart black glasses, she's wearing a smart black suit and sitting with her legs crossed in a black leather chair.
"hello, you must be leia" she says sweetly.
"and this is?" she asks looking to callum, who takes a seat beside me in the black leather sofa.
"callum, I'd rather him be here for me" i say and he rest a hand over mine probably noticing how small and intimidated my voice is.
"okay, I'm daphne, now first off, let's go over the basic terms" she says pulling out a sheet of paper.
"okay, so anything discussed in here will remain confidential unless you reveal that you will do something illegal or cause harm to yourself or others, understood?" I nod and after I sign a few papers we begun talking.
"now, why are you in here today?" she asks and i look to callum who reassuringly squeezes my hand.
"i erm... I, was abused and think it would be easier to cope if i talked about it" i say awkwardly.
"it's ok" callum says sensing how uncomfortable i am.
"ok, have you reported it?" she asks writing something down in her note pad.
"ah, yes" i say ignoring the look callum gives me.
"you don't sound so sure" she says looking at me through her glasses.
"i did" i say trying to sound confident, but it's only forced.
"okay, who was it that abused you?" she asks with no emotion.
"my p-parents" i stutter.
"okay, hoe long did they abuse you for?"
"my whole life, until I was thirteen"
"how did it end? Did you tell someone?"
"they abandoned me, my neighbour found me"
"how did they abuse you?"
"what do you mean?"
"emotionally, physically, sexually?" she asks, i flinch at her words.
"sorry, i cant do this" i say standing up, callum stands up and goes after me, he grips my wrist and spins me around to face him.
"leia, look at me, it's ok, I'm here, you can do this" he says comfortingly, but when I look to the therapist i decide i cant do it.
"no, callum, i cant do it, please let's just go" i say with pleading eyes.
"leia, this is a safe place to talk about your feelings, please just sit down" the therapist says.
"no, I'm leaving" i say pulling away from callums grip and running out, i hear callum apologise to her and run after me.
"leia wait!" I hear him call, i keep running and i end up at the beach, sitting on the cliff looking out to the view, i hear footsteps and then callum sits down beside me.
"I'm proud of you for trying, i know it was hard" he says after a few minutes of silence.
"you shouldn't be, i chickened out" I say looking down, I'm holding my knees close to my chest and resting my chin on them.
"you didn't, i know it's hard for you to talk about them and you actually did better than I thought, no offence but I thought you would cuss her out, i was kinda looking forward to it" he says chuckling, a small smile breaks out on my face, even his voice is enough to calm me down.
"i don't need to talk to a therapist, i just need you" i say to him after a while.
"you'll always have me leia, i love you so much, i cant even describe it but I have never been happier even when you weren't accepting me, to even be able to love you is enough to complete me, leia, you are everything to me and I cant imagine ever being without you, i know this is hard on you and it kills me to know your in pain, so will you talk to me about it?"
"callum, i don't need to talk about it as long as I have you, your all i need and all I'll ever need, callum, you make me happy and as long as I have you I'm not in pain"
"are you sure?"
"yes" i say honestly, he pulls me close into his arms and all the pain i was holding onto from my parents dissappears because I realise they don't matter anymore, all I need is callum, he is everything I have and everything I'll ever need, i love him and i will always love him and i know he feels the same.

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