chapter 40

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Me and leia slowly walk outside and climb over the sandy hill to the beach, its dark and the only light is from the moon, helping my chances with making it romantic.
"you cold?" I ask her noticing the goose bumps on her arms.
"kinda" she says looking at arms
"here" i shake off my jacket and drop it around her shoulders.
"thanks" she mumbles, i look down at her in my jacket, she'd cute as fuck in it, in anything really, it's pretty big on her, i notice her inhaling my scent off of it, making me smile, that means she likes me, right?
"did you go here often when you were here last time?" I ask as we go over the hill revealing a near white sandy beach filled with people around our age, the water is a dark navy, near black and a few people are splashing around in it, the only light is coming from the moon and there's music blasting from the top of the beach.
"yeah, it wasn't usually likr this though, usually just couples making out, where's kyle?" she asks looking at me.
"he's finishing up with the bus, he let me go to get you" she chuckles lightly as if it's something he usually does.
"he used to always do that last time we were here for his friends, when the school found out they went crazy" she says chuckling at the memory.
"he's cool" i say casually, suppressing the jealousy that rises, i know they don't have a thing but they are really close, but if he liked her then he wouldn't have helped me tonight, would he?
"come on, let's get a drink before someone spikes it" she says running down the hill, i catch up and jump down the little hill, she then jumps into my back and i give her a piggy back over to the table.
"wait!" she says into my ear loudly causing me to retract my hand from the drink.
"yeah?" I ask.
"that one and them ones up there are spiked" she says pointing to one's further up.
"how do you know?" I ask in confusion.
"the way the light hits it, you can tell ones denser and shit like that" she says carefully inspecting one before handing it to me.
"is it safe?" I ask raising an eyebrow at her playfully.
"don't you trust me?" she asks innocently.
"i have no reason not to" i say smirking, she laughs and we dance for a while and go swimming.
"shit" leia mutters and jumps on me pushing me further into the sea cave.
"what?" I ask and she hushes me while pointing out, i see patrol cars from the school drive onto the beach while people run every direction, a man gets out dressed in a suit at half one in the morning, casually.
"everyone get back to your cabins now, everyone will be punished for this!" he says into a megaphone.
"come on" I say tugging leia up the sandy hill and to random sand dunes i didn't notice before.
"we can hide here" she says looking around to he sure, the music stopped and everyone is gone, soon the cars drive away and we're left in the light of the bright moon with only the noise of the waves splashing to accompany us.
"come here" she says quietly walking up to a higher point, i follow her and we lay down beside eachother on the sand, she stares up to the sky and the stars as if in deep thought.
"I'm sorry" she says atleast, i look at her in confusion and her head turns to look deep into my eyes.
"for what?" I ask looking into her eyes.
"you don't deserve to be stuck here, you deserve to be with Amy and max... And Janet, and with all your friends at normal school" she says looking back to the stars.
"I'd rather be here" i say looking back to the stars, i take a risk and put an arm under head, she shifts and lays her head on my chest while I hold her close.
"i missed this" she whispers.
"it wasn't that long" i answer with a smirk.
"it seemed long" she answers and my smirk dissappears realising what she wants to talk about.
"it was hard... And painful" i say remembering the ever lasting weight and sharp pain that no matter what I couldn't escape, i got a headache just thinking about her and how I lost her.
"i don't get it though"
"get what?"
"my own parents didn't want me callum, no one really knows the real me, how I'm really feeling, how I really cope, except you, you do help, even thinking about you helped gave me hope, i don't want to lose it, but I don't want it back if it will end the same again" i tighten my grip around her and plant a soft kiss in her forehead, instantly getting sparks through my body.
"i promise it won't"
"you can't though, you can't promise you won't hurt me again because you can't see the future, what if you get sick of me and my problems, you wouldn't want to stay then and i wouldn't want you to either, i want you to be happy callum, i mean it"
"you make me happy"
"I'm an abused, forgotten, unloved, delinquent, i change the atmosphere, ruin it"
"don't say that, when you walk through the doors even before I see its you, it'd like the air gets lighter, more breathable, it gets happier, i don't know how to explain it, but when you walk in everything seems to get better"
"thank you callum" she says snuggling into me.
"for what?"
"for rescuing me from myself" i lift her chin with my two fingers gers and look deep into her beautiful eyes.
"you are amazing, you just needed to look at yourself from a different perspective" i say truthfully.
"i love you" she blurts out and i waste no time crashing my lips against hers, i use my free hand to hold her head and bring it closer deepening the kiss then my other to hold her waist and support her, one of her hands rests on my hip helping her hold herself up and the other is resting against my cheek, it soom goes back and roams my hair tugging at it gently, the kiss is not gentle though, it'd hungry, needy, I've been holding back for so long and the kiss is so deep right now, as if seeing a different side of her, i pushed all my emotions about her and put them all into this kiss, she moans and i cant help but moan with her.
"oi! Get up right now!" a loud voice interrupts us, we pull away breathing heavily and look into eachothers eyes forgetting about the rough male voice of a smoker that is still there.
"get up!" he demands, we both hold our gaze as we scramble to our feet.
"let me guess, leia smith and callum james" he says eyeing us.
"yes sir!" I answer and me and leia salute mocking him.
"enough! Both of you back to your cabins and i will assign your punishments tomorrow!" he shouts angrily.
"okie dokie" leia chirps and happily skips away, i follow her back to the cabin and change into my boxers only, leia fell asleep on the sofa so I decided to give her a blanket and leave her be, she's a pretty light sleeper and the sofas pretty big so she'll be ok, i will make sure of that.

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