Part 4- Engaged 💍

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*2 years Later. Lilli is 8.*
Jade's P.O.V:
I wake up at 7am to little hands rocking my shoulder. I open my eyes to see my little girl staring at me. I sit up.
"Morning sweetie!" I whisper.
"Morning!" She mumbles
I rub my eyes. I get up. I go into my closet and get into some track pants, a white tee shirt and a hoodie, which I pull the sleeves up to my elbows. I take Lilli to her room and get her dressed. I take her down to the couch and put on the tv for her to watch. I make her some breakfast then let her eat before writing a note to Hayley saying that I took Lilli out for a drive with me.
I take lilli out to my truck. She gets in. I get in the front seat and drive to the mall. I arrive and get Lilli out. I go to get her coat out of the boot but can't find it. It is then I remember that it is in Haley's truck. I sigh. I hold her hand and we walk inside. It's a little chilly inside so I pull my sleeves down. I go inside the jewellery store. A woman comes over.
"Hi there, how may I help?" The woman asks
"Hi, I'm looking for an engagement ring for my girlfriend." I tell her, "but I don't know what to get her."
"May I see a photo?" The woman asks
I nod. I grab out my phone. I show her a photo of Haley standing in front of the doorway to our house.
"Wow, umm," the woman looks at a jewellery case, "ah-ha. This is perfect."
She pulls out a ring. It was beautiful. It was a silver banded ring with a diamond in a gold bracket. I look down to Lilli.
"Do you think mommy will like this baby girl?" I ask her.
Lilli nods, "it's pretty!"
"I'll take it." I tell the woman, "six and a half"
"Oh we have one in the back let me grab it" she goes through a doorway.
She comes back out and gives me a bag. I pay then leave. I take the ring and it's box out of the bag and put the bag in the bin. I put Lilli in the car and drive home. While in the car I look at Lilli in the rear view mirror.
"Lilli we can't tell mommy about the ring ok. It's a surprise." I tell her
"Ok Mama!" She smiles
We get home and go inside.
"Mommy!" Lilli runs towards Haley who is sitting on the couch.
"Hi baby girl." She lifts Lilli up in a bear hug.
"Hi Haley," I smile
"Hey." She replies looking up at me.
I sit on the couch and we have a lazy day.

At 530pm, i look at Haley.
"Matt and Hal will be here soon. I'm taking you on a date." I tell her.
"Ok, I'll go get ready," she gets up and goes upstairs.

Haley's P.O.V:
When JJ told me that she was taking me on a date, I was excited. I put on a flowing yellow dress with flowers. I put on my sandy flats with black straps. I hear Lilli happily scream from downstairs.
"Uncle Matt," she screams, "aunt Hallie ."
"Hi muffin!" I hear Hallie respond.
I hear footsteps and see JJ at the door. She goes and gets into a beautiful black dress with an overlay with flowers and patterns. She puts on her heeled boots with a fluff lining around the rim. She takes my hand in hers and we walk downstairs. She grabs her handbag off the desk by the door and takes me out to the car. She opens my door and I hop in. I close my door and JJ begins to drive us to a restaurant. We get out and go inside. When we sit at our seats, we are given glasses of champagne. I look at my menu. I choose a Salmon and Vegetable meal with a Lime Margarita. My food is soon delivered and me and Jade eat it. After we finish Jade looks at me.
"Babe, care for a walk on the beach?" She asks me.
"Sure," I get up.
We go down on the beach and stare at the waves. I feel Jade's hand leave mine. I turn to face her and see her on one knee!

Jade's P.O.V:
I bend down on one knee beside Haley. She turns to face me. I open the ring box.
"Haley Ann Upton," I begin, smiling, "will you make me the happiest woman alive and marry me?"
She nods and begins to cry. I put the ring on her finger and pick her up, spinning her around. I put her down and kiss her. We leave. I open her door then close it for her. I drive us home. I take her inside to see Hallie and Matt on the couch. I see Haley walk in Front of them and show off the ring.
"Look what happened!" Haley smiled
"OMG!" Hallie got up and hugged Haley lightly.
Matt came over and hugged me.
"Congrats sis." He smiled
"Thanks." I got out of the hug and gave Hallie a squeeze hug.
"A little looser." She told me, "little one don't like pressure."
"Your pregnant?" I ask
She nods. I bounce up and down.
They leave and me and Haley go to bed.

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