Baby Halstead and baby casey

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*9 months later. Hallie is 9 months pregnant and gabby is also 9 months (they found out later on) or in other words full term.*
Haley's P.O.V:
I am currently out dress shopping with my MOH and bridesmaids. My MOH is Gabby and my bridesmaids are Stella from 51, Burgess, and Brett from 51. We are sitting on the couch waiting for Stella to come out in her dress when Gabby places a hand on her stomach, wincing.
"Gabs you good?" I ask
"Yep!" She tries to smile, "baby girl is being a pain."
"I wish I knew how it felt." I smile
"Yeah," she wincing again, "ah. I need to use the bathroom."
She gets up and goes. I hear a yell.
"HALEY!!!" Gabby yells
I run over, "Gabby?"
"Baby Lyla is coming." She tells me.
"Ok, I'll call 911." I tell her, "hold on."
"Call Jay." She orders.
"Yes." I respond
I pull out my phone and call 911. They send an ambo. I call jay.
"Halstead!" He answers
"Hey Jay, it's Upton." I respond, "I'm out shopping with gabby and her water broke. Meet us at Chicago med."
"Oh god," he gasps, "I will,"
The ambo arrives. I lead them in and then drive to the hospital. I meet jay.
"Where is she?" He asks
"Follow me." I tell him.
I take him in to Gabby's room. I see Jade come out of a room.
"Baby, what are you doing here?" I ask her
"Oh," she smiles, "Hallie is in labour."
"So is gabby!" I smile, "such a coincidence."
"Moooommmmyyyyyyyy!" I hear a yell and see Lilli running down the hall.
I hug her.
"Hi dewdrop." I chuckle, "who brought you here?"
"He did!" She pointed to a man by the door.
I recognise the man. Father. I give Lilli to Jade.
I go over to him.
"Out now!" I pull him outside.
"What?" He asks
"What I can't go near you or your adopted daughter?" He asks
"She's not adopted. She's my fiancées kid you dumbass!" I tell him.
"Your engaged?" He questions
"Yeah." I tell him.
"Haley, you ok?" Jade comes out.
"Yeah baby,take Lilli inside." I explain
"Kk, love you." She smiles
"Love you too." I respond as She goes in.
"So your gay?" He asks
"Lesbian." I reply angrily
"Same thing. Anyway, I don't want a gay thing anywhere near me." He walks away.
I go back inside. I see Matt. I see Jade take him to hallies room. I go into Gabby's room. I see her holding a little girl.
"Who is this princess?" I ask
"Lyla Jayden Halstead." Gabby smiles proudly.
"Can I hold her?" I ask
"Yea." Gabby hands her over, "you can hold your godbaby."
"Wait what?" I ask
"Oops, what I should say is would you and Jade like to be her godmothers?" She corrects herself.
"Of course!" I beam.
I cuddle her too my chest. She grabs my shirt in her tiny hands. I give her to jay. I head out and find Jade. Her, Lilli and I head home. We get in and Lilli runs to the lounge room. I go to walk in but I hear Lilli scream and run in, Jade beside me.

Jade's P.O.V:
We get home and Lilli runs into another room. I hear her scream and I run in. I see her on the floor with a piece of metal stuck in her knee, blood dripping down. Haley comes over too.
"Get the first aid kit." I tell her, turning to lilli, "what happened baby?"
"I, I fell on my robot and it broke." She cries, "and it hurt me.'
"Ok baby, it's ok." I run my hand through her brown hair, "it's ok."
Haley comes back in and I open the bag. I get a roll of gauze and wrap it around her knee, careful of the metal then lift Lilli into my arms. We go out to the car.
"Time to go back to Chicago Med!" Haley jokes
"Yeah," I cradle Lilli to my chest.
I climb into the back seat. I place Lilli in her car seat and Haley drives us. We get there and I lift Lilli back into my arms. We head in. We go up to the receptionist. I look at Lilli's leg. The gauze was already soaked in blood.
"Hi, my daughter Lilli tripped and fell on a toy, the metal embedding itself in her knee." I tell the receptionist, "it's already soaked through the gauze applied 5 minutes ago."
"Take a seat," she hands me a slip of paper.
I feel a lightening in weight and I see Lilli passed out, "she passed out."
"I need a doctor!" The receptionist yells.
Dr manning runs out, "Haley? Jade?"
"She got hurt and just passed out!" I tell her.
"This way, come on." She tells us.
We follow her in and I lie Lilli on the bed. We are moved to the edge of the room. Haley holds me. I walk out. I lean against the bench. I focus on Lilli, my mind blocking out my peripheral vision.
"JJ," I hear Matt's voice, "JJ?"
I shake my head and snap out of it. I turn to Matt.
"Why are you here?" He asks
"Lilli," I start to cry, "she cut her knee open on a toy."
He pulls me into him and I cry. He rubs small circles on my back.
"I want Mama!" I hear Lilli scream.
I instantly let go of Matt and run to Lilli. She is crying
"Hi sweetheart." I run my hand over her head, "it's ok sweetie, mama's here, mama's here!"
I soothe the crying eight year old, she starts school soon! Soon we are discharged and we go home. I tuck her into bed.
"Now sleep tight princess. Sweet dreams." I whisper and kiss her forehead.
I close her door and me and Hayley go to bed.

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