Part 5-OD's

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Haley's P.O.V:
As Jade and I walk up into the Intelligence bullpen, we are happy. She asked me to marry her last night and I said yes! I am going to be getting married to the girl of my dreams. We get up to the top and everyone looks up at us.
"Why you so happy?" Burgess asks.
"Ummm." I look away and stick my hand out, "something may of happened last night!"
"OMG!!!!!!" Burgess ran over and hugged me, "congrats!"
"Thanks!" I smile
"Ok who asked who?" Atwater asked
"I asked her." Jade smiled.
"Hey," I hear voight's gruff voice, "what's going on?"
"Me and JJ got engaged last night." I tell him
"Congrats." He nods, "but we got a case."
We headed to our desks, "yeah?"
"19 year old girl found down on the sidewalk on west 17th. Sierra Lincoln. OD on poisonous cocaine." Voight explains putting a photo or two up on the board, "JJ, Upton, head to med and try and talk to her. Atwater, Burgess, Halstead, O, chase your CI's. I've got something to do."
"Yes boss!" Everyone replies and go their separate ways. Me and JJ run down to our car. I hop in the drivers side and drive us to Med. We get out and head in. I see Jay's brother Will.
"Will!" I call for him.
"Yeah?" He looks over
"We need to talk to a Sierra Lincoln." I tell him, "for a case!"
He nods, "come on!"
We head over and follow him to the lift and head to another floor.
"119, down the hall. She won't talk to males so it's good your both females." He tells us.
I nod. We head in. I knock on the door. The girl inside looks over. We go in.
"Hi sierra," I smile softly, "I'm Haley, this is JJ, mind if we ask you a couple questions? We're with the cpd."
She nods. We sit down.
"Can you tell us what you remember before you collapsed?" I ask, "your not in trouble."
"Umm," Sierra looks at the window, "I was heading to a party and someone named TJ gave me a bag and told me to mix it in my punch. I didn't think anything of it. I've never done drugs before! I started to feel dizzy so I began to head home. I went onto west 17th but then it went black."
I realise who she is talking about. I start to shake nervously. I try to hide it from Sierra but JJ notices.
"That's good sweetie!" JJ smiles "real good!"
"I promise you we will find this person." I tell her even though I'm shaking.
"We'll talk soon." JJ smiled politely and then got me up and quickly took me out.
We got out and I stood against a wall.
"What happened?" She asks me worriedly.
My chest feels tight and I can't breathe. I slide down the wall, hyperventilating.
"Hey hey hey," Jade wraps her arms around me, "baby, what happened?"
"TJ!" I look her in the eyes, "TJ!"
She looks confused and grabs out her phone. She dials a number.
"Hey sarge, something's up with Haley, we got the name TJ from Sierra and she is panicking. Can you help me?" I hear her ask through the phone.
She is silent for a bit.
"Oh my god!" I hear her gasp.
She ends the call. She looks at me.
"Oh baby, I am so sorry!" She tells me.
I start to feel dizzy just going over memories. I see pictures flash in my mind. I feel myself be helped up. I see myself walking down a dark road. It suddenly goes black.

Jade's P.O.V:
As I help Haley stand up, her face looks blank.
"Haley?" I speak her name
Suddenly she drops. I catch her.
"Haley!" I cry.
I tap her face gently. She doesn't wake. I look around. I see doctor Manning.
"Natalie!" I yell.
She sees me and runs over.
"Haley?" She stops still.
"I don't know what happened!" I tell her
"Can you carry her?" She asks
I nod. I put my arms under her legs and arms and pick her up. Dr manning takes me into the ED.
"Maggie!" She calls out, "where is open?"
Maggie looks over and see's Haley in my arms, "treatment 1."
Dr manning nods and I take Haley into the room. I lay her down on the bed. I stand to the edge as Dr manning treats her. I see her eyes flutter open.
"Jade?" She asks
I run over, "hey baby!"
"What happened?" She asks
"You blacked out!" I tell her
"TJ!" She looks at me, "He raped me and drugged me while I was undercover a couple, years back. He must be out. I'm sorry whenever I think about it I faint. I'm ok though!"
"Can we go?" I ask Dr Manning
"Yes!" She smiles.
I help Haley stand and we leave. I drove us back to the 21st. We head up. Everyone turns.
"TJ or Terrell-Jones Watkins. Drug dealer who likes to rape his victims. Just did time in stateville for rape and distro." Voight announces, "P.O says he is staying at his mothers, 165 Wilkinson avenue."
"We rollin?" Atwater asks
Voight nods. We go suit up. We drive to address. Me and Haley go knock on the front door. A woman opens it.
"Mrs Watkins," I smile, "is TJ here?"
The woman nods, "who are you?"
"Chicago PD!" I tell her, showing my badge, "we need to speak to your son!"
She nods and opens the door, "come in."
I go upstairs wit Haley and we find TJ lying on a bed.
"Long time so see TJ!" Haley speaks
"Riles?" He looks up, "what are you doing here and who's this girl?"
"It's detective Upton and this is my partner detective Casey." She tells him, "and we're Chicago Police. Stand up and put your hands behind your back."
"Damn it!" He stands up and turns around.
I cuff him and take him out. We go down to the district. We take him to interrogation room 1. I sit him down.
"So TJ!" I slap a file down on the bench, "selling bad coke huh?"
"I don't gotta tell you nothing bitch!" TJ spits at me.
"Excuse me?" I stand up, "what the hell was that?"
"Nothing!" He replies
"Ok," I sit on the edge of the table, "this is how we are gonna do this. You tell us what we want, we may shorten your sentence by a couple months."
"Ugh fine!" He sighs, "I dropped some bad dope. I mixed it with battery chemicals alright?"
"Thanks, your being charged with distribution of drugs along with attempted murder and parole violation." I tell him, "bout 60 year in stateville,"
"Fuck you bitch!" He tells me.
I stand up and take him into the holding cells while sending the case file to 26th and Cal.

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