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1 year later! Nyra is 15! Brae is 4!
Nyra's Pov:
"AJ!" I call as I see Ajax walking into school
"Ny, hey darling!" He runs over and hug me
"Good, come, we've got 1st hour together!" I pull him by the arm and we go to the english block.
"I'm coming!" He laughs as the bell rings, "hey, I've got track comp down at the DOS this afternoon after school, wanna come?"
We head upstairs, "sure, where the DOS?"
"The District Open Space!" He laughs
"Oh right!!" I smile and we head into class.
We put our bags in the back of our chairs and complete our work. An hour later, bell rings and we have to seperate as we have different classes. I meet up with him at first break! We then head to 3rd hour and fourth hour before 2nd break. We have 5th hour with each other! We walk in and have fun on the laptops. The bell rings and we leave.
"Hey, I've just gotta call my parents, k? I'll meet you there!" I smile
"K, love you!" He kisses my head
"Love you too!" I smile and walk to the fence and call my mama.
She answers, "hey Nyra, what's up baby?"
"Hey, could I hang out with AJ after school. He's got track competition and asked if I want to come watch." I ask
"Sure darling, we'll be off at 6pm! After you finish, could you get your sister?" Mama asks
"Yeah!" I smile as a van pulls up beside me, "bye mama!"
"Bye!" She ends the call.
The van is still parked. I think nothing of it till a woman jumps out and pulls me into it. I scream and drop my phone. The van speeds off. It stops. The van door opens. The woman has a gun.
"We're going to get your sister! You will not say anything or I will kill you! Understand?" She asks, pointing the gun at me "my name is Alex."
"Ok!" I nod nervously.
She lets me out and we walk inside. The desk person looks up.
"Hey, I'm here to collect my sister, Braelee Casey!" I exclaim
"Yeah sure, do you have some ID?" She asks
I hand her my student ID. She nods and I walk into the room, Alex following. Brae sees me
"Nywa!" Brae runs over.
"Awwww, hi Bee!" I smile and lift her up.
"We go?" She asks
"Yes honey, go get your bag!" I whisper
She runs and gets it. I lift her up and carry her out to the van. Alex pushes us into the back. She speeds off.
"NyNy? Who dwiving? Where's my seat?" Bee asks, crying, "I want mommy and mama!"
"Just calm down baby!" I soothe and cuddle her close.

Jade's POV:
My desk phone rings. I answer
"Casey!" I exclaim
"Hey, it's Platt, come downstairs. Some kid here, Ajax Zaurelli. Says he needs to talk to you. It's urgent?" Platt answers
"Is Nyra with him?" I ask
"No." She replies.
"Shit, on my way down!" I end the call.
"JJ?" Haley asks
"Ajax is here. Nyra isn't with him." I tell her running down to the fence.
I go out and see Ajax pacing nervously.
"AJ!" I call
"Jade." He runs over.
"What's up?" I ask
"So, I asked Nyra if she could come to my track comp after school. She didn't come so I thought she wasn't allowed. Then I had to go back to the school and I saw." He is crying slightly, "I saw a phone on the ground, picked it up. It's cracked. But it's. Its Nyra's. And there were fresh skid marks beside it."
"Shit, uhh, come on. Platt, Nyra's Missing!" I tell her
"Ok, Garcia watch the desk!" Platt comes around as Garcia takes the desk.
We run upstairs and AJ follows.
"Sarge!" I yell
He runs out, "JJ?"
"Nyra has been taken!" I exclaim
"What?" Hayley gets up.
I nod, "Ajax found her phone after track comp.it's cracked. And there were fresh skid marks beside it."
Hayley checks her phone, "it's 4pm! We need to get BeeBear!"
"Go! We'll find leads!" Voight exclaims as Trudy sits at the empty desk.
I nod and we run down to our car. We drive to the daycare. We head in.
"Hey, we are here to get our daughter, Braelee Casey!" I smile softly
"Oh, her sister came and got her, uhh, Nyra!" She smiles, "and another woman I thought was her mother!"
"Can we get security footage?" I ask
She nods and pulls it up. We go around the desk. I recognise the woman. Alex.
"Shit!" I run out.
I sit on the hood of our car,my arms over my legs, head hung. I breathe slowly to try and fight the tears that are dripping down my cheeks.
"JJ?" Hayley asks
I look up and see her beside me.
"Oh JJ, darling!" She wraps her arms around me and pulls me off the hood.
I cry into her shoulder, "it's her! Alex! She's got our babies."
"Come on! Let's go back to the district!" Hayley sighs softly.
I nod and we head back. We run upstairs.
"Alexandra Mason!" I exclaim angrily, "she's got them. Last I remember, only addresses she had were Milwaukee and one in mount bayside! That's an hour and a half away! With tolls! Without is an hour 45! I've already called the Milwaukee police, got some friends there! They've got a car on the house but no arrivals, should we check the bayside house?"
"Let's go!" Voight orders.
We run down to the cars. Me and Hayley lead the way as we speed down the I-90. We soon pull up at the cabin. I see a white van. It is 7pm! We run to the door. I knock.
"Lexi? It's me, JJ!" I call
Alex opens the door, "get in, only you!"
I nod and slip in. She takes me over to the couch and I see Nyra, crying, holding bee who is also crying.
"Mama!" Bee cries and I lift her too my chest and hold her, Nyra under my other arm.
"Alex, why did you take them?" I ask!
"Cause you stole my baby girl from me!" She exclaims
"You left them on a park bench!" I exclaim angrily
"Still, I want her back!" Alex yells
"You are not going to get my Nyra back! Not now not ever! Thier whole life is in Chicago!" I tell her, "Nyra, take your sister outside!"
They take Bee and run outside.
"Why can't I have her back?" Lex asks
"Cause they doesn't want nor need you! Did you think you would get back Alex?" I ask
She nods and starts crying, "my parents died, my brother left for Australia! I have no family left! I needed someone!"
"Oh Lexi!" I hug her, "if you texted me, I might have organised visit time!"
"I'm sorry!" She cries and stands up, letting me cuff her.
I walk her out and put her in back of a squad car! We drive back down to Chicago! We make a quick stop at Ajax's house. I walk Nyra up to the door. They knock. Tilly opens the door!
"Oh Nyra, your ok! AJ told me!" She smile before turning her head, "AJAX!"
"Comin-" Ajax stops as he sees Nyra, "oh Ny!"
He runs and hugs her. Nyra hugs him back, crying against his chest. I stand and watch.
"Honey, I'll come back in the morning and get you!" I whisper to her
She nods and I hop back in the car and drive us home. I tuck braelee into our bed, me and Hayley wanting to cuddle her close tonight! We then hop in and head to bed!

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