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4 years later! Nyra (28) and AJ are engaged. Bee is 14 and Ally is 8
Nyra's pov:
"Baby, I've gotta go!" I exclaim grabbing my lunch out of the fridge, "I've got a meeting before my first hour class!"
"Ok, love you!" AJ comes over and kisses me
I smile and head to the door. I put my coat on and grab my bag. I open it and stop. There is basket on the ground with a baby in it. I instinctly reach down and lift them up gently. The baby cuddles against me. I walk back inside.
"Babe!" I call
"Yeah hon?" He runs downstairs and stops when he sees the baby in my arms, "uhh?"
"They were in a basket outside our door!" I tell him as they start crying. I sit them up a little on my hip and bounce softly. They look to be around 10 months old. I head over to the basket and pull out a small blanket! I hand it to the baby. They grasp it.
"Mama?" They look up at me
"Hi!" I smile and nervously look at AJ!
She drops the blanket and I see a note. I let AJ open it.
"Hello AJ and Nyra." Aj reads "This is my baby girl! No one knows I had her. I live alone and have no connection to anyone. She is 10 months old. I want you to have her. I've seen you with kids. Your amazing! I believe you will give her the best life possible! Her name is Dawn Winter! She'll take your last name. Attached are forms that give you all parental rights to her! Please take her!"
He looks up at me and takes out the forms before looking them over.
"Uh?" I stutter
"They are real!" He replies, "do you want to have this girl?"
"I do! She called me Mama!" I cry a little
"Then quickly sign this bit, then get to work!" He smiles
I sign it then pass Dawn to her new father.
"Bye my baby, Mama loves you!" I smile and kiss her head.
I quickly take a photo of them then head out to my car and drive to work. I go in to my meeting then to the staff office on the math block. I walk in and upload the photo I took this morning to my laptop then print it. I grab it and put it in a spare frame. I sit it on my desk.
"Nyra, you have a baby?" My best friend, Leonora asks
"Yes, she is 10 months old. Name is Dawn Winter Zaurelli!" I smile.
"You've been here for a year?" She asks
"Uhhh, she was dropped on my doorstep this morning and uh, her mother. Whoever she is, gave me and AJ parental rights to her so? Yeah?" I explain
"Aww, she is cute!" Leo smile
"Thanks Leo!" I smile before gathering some things and heading into my classroom across the hall. I connect up my laptop to the board and get up the Do Now for my kids to complete as they come in. I freeze the board and get the roll up on my computer. First bell rings so I go stand outside the door. I've got year 8's first. I see my favourite, don't tell anyone, student walking down the corridor. She has her earphones in and looks upset.
"Hi Jasmine!" I smile
"Hi miss," she mumbles
"Want to talk first?" I ask her
She nods and moves to the side. My other students arrive.
"In you go, get a whiteboard and start the Do Now!" I guide.
They all go in. I close the door most of the way and turn to Jasmine.
"What's up Jasmine?" I ask
"Ra-racist boys!" She cries.
She was brown and struggled with a lot of racism. She was an amazing person.
"Want to go down to Student Services?" I ask
She nods.
"I'll write a slip." I quickly duck inside and write it.
I go out and hand it to her. I then walk in.
"And boards!" I exclaim
The students put them up. I nod and we continue our lesson. I have my other classes then a meeting after the students leave. I then head home. I walk in and see AJ sitting on the floor of the living room building something whilst Dawn was sitting on the couch. I put my stuff down and go sit beside Dawn.
"Hi baby, did you have a good day with Dada?" I ask her
"Mama!" She reaches for me.
"Hey baby!" I smile and lift her onto my lap.
Ajax is putting together a swing for her. I sit on the floor with her and lay her down for tummy time. She crawls to me. I smile. I record some of it.
"Come to Mama baby!" I encourage and she crawls to me.
I end the recording and lift her up. She laughs. The doorbell rings.
"Who's that baby, let's go see!" I sit her on my hip and walk to the door.
I peek through the peephole. Mama, Bee and Ally. I open the door.
"Hey Ny-" mama stops when she sees Dawn, "uhh?"
"You should probably come in." I open the door wider.
They come in.
"Shoes off and coats on the hook!" I smile
They do that and we all head to the lounge room. Ajax has finished the swing.
"So?" Mama asks
"This is Dawn winter Zaurelli." I smile, "D, go to dada!"
Ajax takes her. Dawn starts to cry.
"Mama!!!!" She cries
"Oh baby! Want mama hey?" I ask and take her back.
I stand up and bounce her slightly
"Blankie!" She mumbles
"Hey Bee, pass me the blanket behind you please, the small one." I ask
Bee passes it to me. I give it to Dawn.
"There you go bub." I soothe and kiss her head.
She calms down.
"Yeah, we have a baby girl!" I tell them, "she appeared on our doorstep and her mother gave us parental rights. She is our baby girl!"
"Ok. Well, I have to go back to work so your ok with these two munchkins?" Mama asks
"Yes!' I smile.
"Bye!" She hops up.
"Hey mama," I call
She runs back in. I hand her 2 pictures of Dawn that Ajax took during the day.
"One for you and one for Mom to have on your desks." I tell her
"Thanks!" Mama nods and heads out.
"Nyra, can you help with my math homework?" Brae asks
"Sure sis!" I smile, "go sit at the table and get it out. Ally, do you have homework?"
"No!" She mumbles and gets up, "I'm gonna go shower."
"Ok, Hon, are you ok?" I ask
"I'm fine!" Allyra runs upstairs.
"Okay." I call.
I go sit at the table, Dawn on my lap.
"It's algebraic multiplication. My first question is X divided by 4 plus 5 equals 29!" Brae exclaims.
"Ok, so!" I smile gently, "we draw a line downwards through the equals symbol. Then what is the opposite operation from addition?"
"Minus!" Brae exclaims
"Yes," I reply, "so it would be minus five, so write that down."
She does, "it equals 24!"
"Now, under that write X over four equals, make sure the equals is on the line! And write that it equals 24." I smile as she writes it down, "now opposite of divison."
"Multiplication!" She smiles
"Yeah, four times 24 equals?" I ask
"Uhhhh. 96?" She asks
I nod. She writes it down. I hear a noise from upstairs. I get up.
"Bee, hold Dawn." I gently pass Dawn to her aunt and run upstairs.
I knock on the bathroom door.
"Go away!" Ally exclaims
"Are you ok?" I ask
"I'm fine, I just slipped." She exclaims
"Ok, come downstairs when your done!" I tell her and head downstairs.
I continue to help Brae with her homework, holding Dawn again. We finish just as Ally comes down. She gets on the couch and goes on her phone. She is in a long sleeve hoodie and track pants. It's summer.
"Ally, why are you in sweats and a hoodie, it's 100° Fahrenheit outside." I ask
"It's comfy!" She sighs.
She is scrollings on her phone before throwing her phone across the room and bursting into tears.
I lay Dawn in her swings and head to Ally's side. I hold her in my arms.
"Shhh! Shhhh! Shhh!" I soothe and swing her legs over my lap and rock her gently.
Ajax hands me her phone and I unlock it. It's on a Snapchat story. I see photos of Ally in a state where she is hung by her wrists and half naked. Bottom down.
"Oh my god!" I exclaim and turn off the phone, "Brae get your shoes on, we're going to go see Mom and Mama!"
"Okay!" Brae jumps up.
Ajax gets Dawn. I get Ally's shoes on for her and carry her out to the car. I sit her in the car and sit beside her. Ajax drives us to 21 after buckling in Dawn. I carry Ally on my side. She was light for a nine year old. We walk up. Trudy sees us.
"Hey, can you buzz us up?" I ask as Dawn cries
"Mama!!!!" She cries
"Come ere baby!" I soothe and lift her into me and hold her on my other hip as I put Ally down.
"Okayyyy, I'll walk you up!" She comes around the desk, "a baby?"
"This is Dawn Winter Zaurelli!" I smile and bounce the little girl slightly.
We get up the top.
"Brownies, Goldilocks, visitors!" Trudy calls.
Mama and mom come over.
"Mama!" Allyra runs for her
"Hey! What's wrong?" Mama hugs her
"Brae, take Ally and Dawn and go into the break room." I pass her Dawn gently.
Brae nods and guides her sister into the break room. I pull Ally's phone out of my pocket. I unlock it. I show mom and mama the photos. I feel like I'm gonna puke.
"Oh my god!" Mama gasps, "my baby!"
I feel sick so I run to the locker room. I get to the toilets and empty the contents of my stomach. I feel my hair pulled back.
"Let it out baby girl! Let it out!" Mom encourages.
I sit back up and lean against the wall, "aughh, I feel like crap!"
"Are you ok?" She asks
"I've been nauseous most mornings for the past month or two. I've just thought it's nothing." I sigh
"Have you thought about pregnancy? Have you guys been using protection?" Mom asks
I shake my head and mom quickly tied her blonde hair in a ponytail. I stand up shakily.
"I'll get a test out of my locker. I have spares for no reason at all!" Mom exclaim and I nod.
She leaves then returns and hands me the box. I go back into the stall. I take the test then set a timer for 3 minutes. It beeps. I check the test. Two lines...

Sorry it is so looooooong. I didn't mean to make it this long. Sorrrrry! Don't hate me!!!!! Love H💕

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