Where are you?

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A week later
I am working on some paperwork when my phone rings, Nyra. They should be in class
"Nyra Jane, why aren't you in class?" I answer
"Mama!" They cry
"Nyra? Sweetie what's wrong?" I ask them
"Mama!" They are crying, "They hurt me!"
"Ny? Sweetie? Where are you?" I ask, panicking, "who hurt you?"
"Jade?" Hayley asks
I pull the phone away from my ear, "something is wrong with Nyra. But they won't tell me where they are."
She nods and I put the phone back at my ear.
"Mama, I'm in the school bathrooms, 3rd floor." They tell me, "It was the girls."
"Ok, I'm on my way, stay there." I end the call, getting my coat on.
"What's going on?" Voight asks
"Nyra called me, in tears, told me they are in the bathroom at school. I'm going to get them." I tell him.
"Go, bring them back here." Voight orders
"Ok." I run down to the car.
I drive to the school and run into the office.
"May I help you ma'am?" The clerk asks
"I need to get my child, Nyra Casey." I tell her, "They've called me in tears from the third floor bathroom. Please can I go get them?"
"Sure," she points to the staircase.
I run up to the third floor. I find the girls bathroom. I go in. I see a stall closed.
"NyNy?" I ask, "It's Mama."
The door unlocks and Nyra runs into me. I hug her. I see a black eye forming and a bruised cheek.
"Shhh! Shhhh! Shhhh!" I soothe, "Come on, let's go."
She nods and I lead her out. We pass a classroom with an open door. I hear laughter,
"Awwww, little Lilli called her mommy!" Some girls laugh.
"That's Jacinta Millway, the girl next to her is Jesse Nicols." Nyra tells me, "Jacinta is the one who hurt me. But Jesse told her to."
"Ok," I go to the doorway, my badge on display on my hip. "hi sir, can I quickly speak to Jacinta Millway and Jesse Nicols please."
"Sure." He nods, "Jacinta, Jesse, step outside."
The girls get up. The come out and lean against the wall
"What?" Jacinta asks
"Jacinta, show me your hands!" I order
She puts them out. I see bruised knuckles.
"Are these from beating Nyra's face?" I ask
"No." Jacinta grins, "they're from beating Lillis face."
"Both of you, Turn around." I order, "hands behind your back."
They both follow my orders.
"Jacinta Millway, your under arrest for assault. You have the right to remain silent, any thing you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." I cuff her before cuffing Jesse, "Jesse Nicols, your under arrest for facilitation of Assualt. You have the right to remain silent. You both have the right to an attorney.  Can not afford one, one will be court appointed to you. If you decide to answer questions without your attorney present, feel free to. Keep in mind, you can stop at anytime to invoke your rights. With these in minds, wish to tell me anything."
They don't reply. I push them and Nyra walks beside me. We get down to my car and I put the girls in the back. I open the front passenger door and Nyra hops in. I hop in the drivers seat and drive to the 21st. I get out and let Nyra out. I then get the girls out of the back and push them up the stairs. I take them up to intelligence and Nyra holds the gate. I lead them up the stairs. Voight comes out.
"Interrogation 1 and 2 open." He tells me as Nyra runs to Hayley in the break room.
I take them to the rooms and handcuff them to the poles. I walk back out.
"Who are those girls?" Voight asks
"Jacinta Millway and Jesse Nicols." I sigh, "the girls who facilitated and committed assault on NyNy."
"Jay, Adam, work Jacinta, Kim, Kevin, work Jesse." Voight orders,
"Jacinta committed, 1. Jesse Facilitated 2." I tell them.
They nod and I head into the break room. I see Hayley sitting on the couch. Nyra lying down, her head on Hayley's lap, an ice pack on her eye and cheek. Hayley lifts up Ny's head and I slip into her place. Nyra snuggles against me. I run my fingers through her hair soothingly. She falls asleep. Soon Hayley comes back in.
"JJ, we're able to go, don't wake her just carry her." Hayley smiles
"Ok." I lift Nyra up and carry her down to the car.
I lay her on a backseat and shut the door after buckling her up. I hop in the front and we drive to the daycare. I run in.
"Mama!" Braelee waddles over
"Hey B-bear!" I lift her up, "raaahhh! How was your day?"
"Gwood!" She tells me as I carry her out to the car
"Ok, Sissy is asleep in the car so we got to be quiet ok Braelee?" I tell her
"Otay." Brae nods and I open her door.
I buckle her up and we head home. I go around to Nyras door and lift her out. I carry her inside. I take her up and lay her in her bed. I play around with Braelee in the backyard.

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