college campus

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College like any other day, wake up in the morning, get ready, and get a move on. However, today was different. Today I was attending a Halloween party at someone's house with Tara, Chad, and Mindy. After all those murders we survived in Woodsboro I'm glad we could all start a new life in New York. 

I thought about it more and more and how I was proud of all of us to be able to feel normal after surviving ghostface, and being able to feel safe again. 

But my thoughts were soon interrupted. 

My books scattered and hit the ground, as I bumped into someone hard. I fell back and scraped my hand quite badly. 

I look up and it's chad's roommate. Ethan. He wore a blue plaid button up with light jeans and white sneakers. He held tight to his books as if he would never let them go and stared at me in shock. He didn't know what to do. 

"I'm so sorry!" He said as he scrambled to get on the ground and pick up my books for me. 

"Don't sweat it, it happens to everyone." I said annoyed. I was already late for my first class, and I couldn't believe I let this happen to me. So much for being thoughtful.

"I know but it shouldn't have happened to you, you're probably late, I- mean I- probably made you late." He frantically stuttered to find words. He was cute. The way his curls bounced on his head as he picked up my things. The way he looked puzzled as if trying to solve a code. I could tell he was smart too. He picked up my books, stood up, and handed them to me. I grabbed my books from him. 

He quickly shoved his hands into his back pockets and just stared at me for a while. I stared back. I didn't care anymore at this point if I was late. I just wanted to be able to stare at him like he stared at me. I took in his features, and then words came out. 

"Do you want to go to the Halloween party with me?" He blurted. He then looked away shyly as if he regretted saying that. 

I laughed at his action. "I would love to go the party with you." I said. "Great! Amazing! Awesome!" He scrambled again. "I mean- I'll pick you up at 9" 

I smiled at him as he smiled back. I took a quick look at my palm as it stung. It was scraped badly, blood was seeping through slightly. Ethan looked at my palm and took a deep breath. His stare lingered. He then took my hand. "Oh. I'm sorry I did that." He then went into his backpack and pulled out a first aid kit. However before that a black mask was sticking out of his backpack. I could faintly see it but I could tell it was a mask. 

Maybe it was his Halloween costume? He pulled out a bandage of his kit and took my hand. His hand was warm and soft as he daintily bandaged my hand and then tucked it in place. However my stare was caught on what was peeking out of his bag. 

He quickly caught on and looked back. He frantically once more, shoved his kit into his backpack and the mask, zipped it, and then stared at me. "I guess I'll see you then?" He said. 

"Yeah." I'll see you then. 

hey guys what did you guys think of the first imagine? There will be a part 2 coming tomorrow and more imagines!

ethan landry imagines :)Where stories live. Discover now