fruit punch

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cute, adorable.




I was asked to accompany Mindy and Tara at this college party. I would've rather stayed home, waiting for Sam to come back so we could go eat something. Let Tara deal with the consequences later. Sam didn't even know we were at this party and I wasn't all fazed with getting a costume last minute. 

Crew by Brent Faiyaz was currently playing, and I was alone sitting on the couch watching Chad dance with some random guy, I guess who was his new roommate. We didn't really have time to accommodate and get to know each other, but I've seen him a few times throughout campus. 

I then turned my head to see Mindy and Anika on the couch all over each other, I just rolled my eyes and questioned why I was even here in the first place. 

I got up from the couch and saw Tara dancing in the corner with some people. This was my cue to just drink some punch, and then leave. 

I had made my way to the table and served myself the red drink, which I'm guessing was loaded with alcohol considering the strong smell of tequila coming from the drink. I sipped the drink and looked around. 

I was about to pour myself some more when I heard a voice behind me. 

"Easy on the punch there." 

It was Chad. "Yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?" I teased, as I served myself some more. Just then, the guy he was with came up behind him. 

"Oh, Y/N this is Ethan, my roommate." Chad said. 

Ethan was wearing some sort of viking costume or something, and looked awkward and shy. He scratched the back of his neck and looked off to the side. 

"Hi Ethan, I'm Y/N, it's nice to meet you." I said putting my drink aside and putting my hand out. 

This must've made Ethan more comfortable as he then shook my hand, and would not stop staring at me. 

"Well then... I'm gonna go, how about you guys get comfortable, and hopefully.. maybe... you guys might just wake up next to each other in the morning!" Chad quickly said, playfully slapping Ethan's arm. 

I was about to tell Chad off, when he took off running. I just rolled my eyes smirking a little bit. All me and Ethan could hear at the moment was the song that was currently playing. We let it stay like that for a few seconds. 

I awkwardly looked around the room and sipped my drink. Ethan finally said something. 

"So.. how's that drink of yours? Is it strong enough?" He said pointing at my drink with his finger. I chuckled a little bit, "Nothings too strong for me, I have a high tolerance." I said playfully, he just laughed. 

"You want some?" I said grabbing a cup. 

"Oh, no, no I don't drink." He said putting his hands in front of him and backing a step. "Come on, not even a little bit?" I said pouring the cup. 

"No I'm not really that type of guy, that likes to drink, or even come to these types of parties." He said looking around the room. "Ethan. Take a look around. You're at a frat party right now, just live it, embrace it." I said. 

Ethan laughed at me, and gave me what I think made my knees weak type of smile. He was cute alright, but his smile was beautiful. It could light up a room. 

I then handed him the drink. He looked at it for a few seconds, and then downed it. 

"Yay! You finally drank! I'm so proud of you." I said cheerfully. Sounds like I wasn't going to be going home any time soon. 

after what seemed like 5 drinks later, instead of Mindy and Anika on the couch, it was now me and Ethan on the couch, all over each other, we didn't even care if people saw us, it seemed like it was just me and him in the room. Love Galore by SZA was playing. 

I was on his lap, kissing him as deeply as I could. He kissed my neck, as we both made out all over each other. 

"Come on, it's time to go, Y/N. Party's over Sam's here." Mindy said pulling me away from Ethan. I whined as I reached for Ethan, anyone could tell I was drunk. 

turns out Sam had found out we all went to this party and ended up tazing someone, in a place where no one should ever be tazed. But turns out this guy deserved it. I quickly ran out of Mindy's embrace and grabbed Ethan by the chin and kissed him once more. 

"I'll see you tomorrow." 


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