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angsty, suspenseful, thrilling. 




I sped down the stairs with Tara and Chad. They had just received a bloody visit from Ghostface, and we were lucky to escape with our lives at the moment. 

I had just gotten there at Tara and Sam's apartment, I had gone to Central Park for a walk, and to eat. I live with Chad and Mindy, we share an apartment with Ethan. I was just making my way up the steps when Tara and Chad came running out, seeing me, they explained as fast as they could.

"SAM IS STILL IN THERE." Tara cried. Chad had held Tara back. He wasn't going to let Tara, him, and I get hurt again. 


I knew how much Sam meant to Tara. They had both gone through hell and back, there was nothing they couldn't get done together. I remember wanting that. My brother was killed by Ghostface back in Woodsboro. I couldn't fathom the amount of pain I spent after the killings were over. He was killed in front of me. The worst possible way to lose a sibling, is to actually see them get lost. He was killed by Richie, Sam's boyfriend. 

I wasn't going to let Tara lose Sam. 

I walked past Tara and Chad. I could feel their eyes on me. I could only hear Tara cry out after me. 


I made my way into the apartment. I could only hear muffled screams coming from one of the rooms. I then heard banging, and screaming. I was going to get a knife from the kitchen, but they weren't there. I tried to get something sharp that could work. I then grabbed a plate and broke it. I made noise, but at least it would get attention off Sam. I grabbed one of the bigger, larger shards and prepared myself. I waited a few seconds and then ghostface appeared. 

But. They stopped. They looked at me for what could've been the longest time, they didn't say anything, but just stood there. I could imagine in shock. 

I was confused. But then I remembered who I was facing. I was about to walk towards him when I felt a sharp pain on my back. I groaned and fell on the ground. I then felt hot liquid on my stomach. It was blood. 

I looked behind me and it was another ghostface. 

"SHIT." The ghostface in front me said. They then dropped their blade as they came near me. I tried my best to scoot away from them, holding my stomach, applying pressure. 

They then pulled off their mask. 


It was Ethan.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" The ghostface that stabbed me said. 

"YOU STUPID BITCH." Ethan yelled. 

 I looked behind me and saw them pull off their mask. It was Quinn.

It all made sense. Mindy was right. 

Ethan touched my stomach, he held me in his arms, as he yelled at Quinn.

"You're so stupid Ethan, how could you fall for the bitch who helped kill our brother." 

I got up slowly and pushed Ethan off me. Drunk dazed eyes at it's strongest. I supported myself on the wall as I tilted my head up to the ceiling, and then back to my crimson red stomach, my hands were stained red. I looked at Ethan and Quinn, I was angry. 

Ethan then slowly walked towards me and tried to grab me. 

I pushed him away and managed to grab the blade he left on the ground. 

I pointed it towards both Quinn and Ethan. 

Quinn chuckled. "What the fuck are you going to do? There's two of us." 

I then heard a bang. Quinn fell to the ground. Sam was then revealed. She shot Quinn. 

"Y/N!" She yelled, as she ran to me. Mindy and Anika had then come in they were both stabbed too. 

"I heard a gunshot!" Muffled screams were heard outside the door. Then came in Tara and Chad. "Y/N!" Tara said as she approached me. 

It seemed as if everyone was yelling at me. But I could only focus on one thing. 

Ethan was holding his stomach on the ground. 

I walked towards Ethan limping, but I made it. I got down on my knees and looked at him. I held his face. 

"I'm sorry Y/N, I'm sorry for everything." He barely mustered out. A tear fell from his eyes. As he lifted a finger to hold my face. 

"Fuck you Ethan." 

"But I love you." 


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