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angsty, suspenseful





Me and "the core four" as Chad likes to call it, and Anika and my boyfriend Ethan, were going to go watch the new Stab movie which was in theaters today. I was especially ready to watch this movie considering I liked all the Stab movies, and was a big fan. Me and Ethan were on our way to the theater, just us two. We liked to ride alone. I liked talking to Ethan, I'd you talked to him long enough, he would open up on all of his feelings towards many things.

I looked at my phone and saw Mindy had already texted me 3 times. They were already at the theater.

I looked at Ethan. "Lover" By Taylor Swift was currently playing on the radio. Ethan looked intent, and focused on driving, while he just murmured along to the song.

"Ethan, Mindy just texted me, they're already at the theater."

"We'll be there soon, I think I took a wrong route." He said.

"Okay." I said. It was silent throughout the ride there. Usually Ethan was very talkative when he was around me, he never skipped a thought. He just talked and spoke what he felt like. 

do I really know my boyfriend as well as I think I know him? 



We finally arrived at the theater. It was a theater in downtown manhattan. It was nice, and clean, and there were obviously a lot of people. We had our tickets in our hands, and held hands as we made our way to the ticket booth. We were in theater 7 on the right. We grabbed snacks and drinks. 

I entered the theater with Ethan as I saw Mindy and Tara wave their arms. I failed to mention Sam wasn't there. Tara also didn't tell her we were coming to see this stab movie. If sam was even caught watching a stab movie, it'd be over for her on the internet. We made our way up the red velvet stairs and I sat next to Mindy. Ethan got the last seat on the row. 

The movie started with the kill scene, I just grabbed and intertwined my arm with Ethan's as I lay my head on his shoulder. 

"Hey. I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Is what Ethan said 20 minutes into the movie. "Sure," I said as I watched him stand up from his seat and down the stairs, and then disappear into the hallway. 

I wouldn't be seeing Ethan for 40 minutes after that. 


I kept checking my watch, as I nervously kept looking at the dark hallway at the edge of the theater. 

"You should go look for him." Mindy told me. 

"What's going on?" Tara asked as she leaned. 

"Ethan left to the bathroom and hasn't come back." I said. I was nervous alright. After what happened to me last year with ghostface, my mind went astray. What if he's back? What if Ethan is dead? What if he's gone? 

Finally I had enough. I pulled a blade out of my purse. I always carried one, I wasn't taking any chances. 

I went outside in the theater hallway. I stood in front of the men's restroom. And then when no one was looking I went inside. 

However, I didn't find anything. I then went outside, and I entered the women's restroom. 

I heard muffled sobs coming from one of the handicapped stalls. And then something like a guy saying shh to them. 

I stood in front of the stall, and tried to open it. 

Just then everything went silent. 


the door opened and there was Ethan. He quickly pulled me inside the stall, and then closed the door. I looked beside the toilet, and there was a dead woman, around her late 20's. She had a white cloth clogging her mouth, and she had a deep cut from a blade on her neck, blood dripping down her neck. I looked at Ethan in horror, as he had a black gown on. I looked beside him. There was a ghostface mask.

"YOU MOTHERFU-" Ethan clogged my face with a towel too. I tried to fight him, reaching my blade which was in my back pocket. 

I then slashed his arm. He looked at his arm in pain, and then at me, as I tried to escape the stall. 

He then grabbed me by my waist and pinned me to the stall. 

"Y/N, please don't leave sweetheart. I love you. Listen, I'm sorry you had to see this, but you won't be telling anyone about this. Got it?" He said grabbing my neck and pushing it up. 

"I promise." I said. By the looks of the dead woman on the floor, I better off following what he says, than me being next. 

He then took off the gown in front of me, his jeans stained with specks of blood, he took off his gloves and stuffed everything in his backpack. His navy blue shirt was loose yet tight enough where I could see his biceps. His hair was a mess, and he was sweaty. He grabbed my hand and we intertwined. 

He led the way as we made our way outside of the exit of theater. 

And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me

I stopped midway at the exit, as I turned to look back at theater number 7. Causing Ethan to stop as well. It was him or my friends. The one's I fought hell with, the one's who were there for me, when no one else wasn't. 

My hand slipped off the glass as I exited the theater. 

And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover. 


I'm very sorry for not posting in a while, I def will soon, and more imagines like these, I also might start a Jack Champion Imagines book! I don't know should I? Anyways please request more! I already have a bunch of requests so keep it coming! 

Once again this was requested by @Katani1x thank you so much for requesting! 

Love you all. 

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