econ class

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a simple imagine about you and Ethan in Econ. 

No Warnings! 

this imagine is suspenseful, but cute. 



YOUR POV:  I made my way towards the east building, my feet barely being able to catch up with me. I was sweaty, frustrated, and my feet ached. On top of that, I had to have Econ class at 8' o clock at night today. I clutched my books as I sped walk. My ID card scanned the scanner and then I made my way into the marble lobby. 

The lobby smelled like books and new notebooks, I steered right and then entered the auditorium. As I opened the doors, people turned heads. 

Turns out everyone was there. I was late. I looked around for an empty seat, and then found one. 

It was next to Ethan Landry. Chad's roommate. I knew Ethan, he was smart, dorky, had a big mouth, and everyone randomly classified him as a loser. 

I didn't have time to think twice. Eyes were on me. I didn't really like awkward attention. I got nervous and just took the seat. Either way me and Ethan shared the same friend group, and we both knew where they were going to be tonight. 

Ethan scooted awkwardly as he made room for me on the bench. He stared at me as I sat down, placed my books, and got prepared for the class. 

I didn't have time to stare back as I roamed my bag for my notes from last week's class. I panicked as I couldn't find them anywhere in my bag or my books. Ethan could tell I was nervous. As he kept staring at me. 

He then whisper-blurted. "You could use my notes, I'm not going to need them either way." He awkwardly handed me his notes. Me, who knew it couldn't hurt to use someone else's notes for a night grabbed them. I inspected closely and his notes were perfect, they were almost written feminine-like, with little drawings around them, and his cursive was beauty to the eye. His print was unlike any other I'd seen. 

I heard Ethan chuckle. I turned my head to look at him as he turned an eye to look at me. "You like my notes?" He said. 

I shrugged. "They're nice." I said. "Thanks for borrowing me your notes." I said as I wrote what the professor was writing. Ethan shifted his focus back onto the class. 

It was like that for the rest of the 50 minutes or so of class. Class was barely ending when I my phone rings out loud. 

I pick up my phone. Only to hear sobs from the other end. It was Tara. She was crying, and barely able to get a word in. 


"Sounds like ghostface striked again." Ethan said as he waited on the bench. Econ had ended some 40 minutes ago, and here we were waiting for any response from Sam and Tara. His curls were draped against his face, he looked at the floor awkwardly, and occasionally snuck glances at me, I could tell he didn't know I was getting his hint. 

Ethan then stood up. My back was turned to him, and I could only hear shifting of feet behind me. I was then tooken by the waist, and before you know it, my lips were on his. 



All of this talking about ghostface only got me thinking about how y/n would never like me back. If only she knew that I was ghostface, she would never forgive me, and probably leave New York. I'm so stupid. Stupid in love. The truth is, I like y/n, she's smart, kind, and has an amazing funny personality. At least it's what I'd admired from afar, and from our friend group. 

I'm a psychopath. Ever since Sam killed my brother, all I've done was kill. All I want is a normal life, with y/n, and that's how it's going to be. I don't care if she finds out, as long as I get to hold her once, I'll be satisfied. 



Ethan's lips crashed into mine. I was shocked, and didn't react. I stood stiff and still. But yet I could feel my body lean into his, and melt away in his embrace. Ethan's lips were warm, and soft, my hands tangled into his curls, as we moved the kiss against the wall. my hands intertwined with his as his back was against the wall. We moved in sync, and it was almost as if he pulled both our hands up for us, almost as if we both knew what was right. 

But this. 

This felt right.

Anyways... thank you for 300 reads OMG!! I will make sure to update tomorrow more, and have a good night everyone :) /day incase lol. Love you <3

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