ghostface killers

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(see what I did there?) 



I'll be quiet now. 

enjoy the imagine. 



tara looked at me with angry eyes, her stare not leaving my face, somehow, I felt like she wasn't fully angry with me. Like she was waiting for me to pull off my robe and start laughing at her because like she'd actually believe this shit. 

Like I'd actually be ghostface. 

I felt an arm snake around my waist, and then a chin on my shoulder. 

I made a small turn to them. "You having fun yet?" I said with a grin turning into a blank expression. 

"I'm having even more fun knowing you're with me." Ethan said, coming into full view. I gave him half a smile and then turned to look at Sam and Tara. 

Tara was looking at me already. Sadness and despair in her eyes. Sam just looked straight ahead, right at Ethan's dad and Quinn. Ethan pulled me away from the situation, once he saw my stare lingering over at Tara. 

He grabbed my hand and whisked me away into a dark hallway, and then a room. I pulled away from his embrace, and stared at him with crossed arms. 

Ethan pulled his arms out and then looked at me with a confused expression on his face. "What's going on?" He followed with a chuckle. 

"What's the problem? What's the problem??" I said with a breathy chuckle. "Ethan, you didn't tell me we'd be fucking attacking my best friend, and her sister. Now I learn that Richie was Sam's boyfriend, and all of this shit." 

"I thought you liked this shit Y/N. You were all ears, and played nice when we killed all those other people, including Jason." He said smiling. 

"Yeah well this crosses the line Ethan. She's my best friend." Ethan looked at me for a moment. He then started making his path over to me. He got scary close, and just looked down at me. He then pulled a smirk, and then rolled his tongue on his bottom lip. 

"And I'm your boyfriend." He said keeping the eye contact. I stepped one step back, until I hit the wall. I grabbed Ethan and engaged with him in a deep kiss. 

He kissed back, roughly, I almost couldn't breathe. That's when I heard the door open, it was Tara. I looked behind Ethan, and made a gesture to Tara, telling her to leave. It's like she automatically knew what I was saying, and she knew what to do. 

Ethan moved his mouth from my lips to my neck. He kissed roughly and left purple spots on my neck, which would not leave for a week after that. He took off his robe, and then helped me with mine. In the room there was a counter. He grabbed me by the waist, and then sat me up on the counter while still kissing me. I grabbed his neck and wrapped my arms around, and then leaned back on the counter. 

I saw Tara walk into the room, this time she had a gun in her hand. While Ethan was still kissing me, I watched her do everything. She had mascara running down her face. She had blood on her shirt, and she had a gun pointed at Ethan's back. I heard the trigger pull back. 

I whipped out a mini gun I had in the back of my pocket jeans, and aimed it at Tara, I then pulled the trigger. 

a shot was heard. Ethan flinched hard and looked back. He saw Tara on the ground, lacking blood. I got off the counter and walked to her body. 

Ethan looked at me with a stunned expression. He couldn't speak. 

"She was a bit of a burden, to be honest. I just hated the way she thought she was the shit, really." I said, gun in hand, staring down at her body. Ethan just looked at me with wide eyes, still not saying anything. 

I kneeled down to get a closer look at Tara. I checked her pulse. Nothing. "Yeah she's dead. Don't worry honey, I'll make sure your funeral is extra special." I said caressing her face. 

I got up and then kissed Ethan deeply, before leaving the room.  

okay so, I absolutely hate this one, it has to be one of my worst. Just think of this as a preview, before actual good ones come in. I know, I have to write better imagines. Anyways, I'll try to update, as always I have school, but whatever. Bye guys. 

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