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surprising, crossover, suspenseful. 

hi, so I decided to do a lil something different, than from what I usually do, I decided to do a lil mini crossover. 

so you see, I re-entered my evan peters era, and I've seen a lot of edits on tiktok basically say that both evan and jack look alike, so y not create an imagine of both tate, and ethan, since they both kinda have that psychopathic tendency, (actually maybe tate has it stronger lol) I thought It'd be fun to write a story that'd include both ethan and tate. 


(p.s if you don't know who tate langdon is this is him)


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I looked outside the window of my room. Apartments across were decorated with orange string lights, and adults, kids, and teens, filled the streets all dressed in costumes with their groups of friends. They all carried their form of bag to hold their treats, laughter could be heard from their mouths, and the word trick or treat! was spilled all throughout the streets of New York tonight. 

A Classic New York Halloween. 

"Y/N? Are you ready?"  It was Tara. "Yeah I'm ready." 

"Well then, let's go! Anika and Mindy are waiting outside." I nodded as I took her hand and we made it out of the apartment. We gave our thanks and goodbyes to Quinn and left. 



we had finally arrived at the party. Upon entering, the strong smell of alcohol filled my nostrils, and loud music thumped all throughout the house. I mean, it was a frat party after all, I guess. Just as we entered, everyone parted ways. Tara left and met up with some friends, she said she'd be back to find us, and Anika and Mindy left to meet up with their friends. 

that just left me. 

luckily I had my boyfriend, Ethan. 

I spotted him in an entryway, taking shots with Chad. I was going to go surprise him. He wore this funny, knight costume? It was from his favorite movie Murder Party. He made it last night at like 1am and we were up all night on facetime while he made it. He however, didn't really clear up what it really was. 

"Come on man you're a whole snack-" I heard Chad said. That was enough for me to know that this was a totally normal conversation between these two. 

"Oh hey, Y/N!" Chad said smiling, totally as if I hadn't heard what he said. "Hey.... Chad." I said smiling awkwardly. 

"Y/N! Hello??? I'm still your boyfriend." Ethan said playfully, tackling me into a huge hug. "After what I just heard from Chad, I think not." Ethan just rolled his eyes, while me and Chad chuckled. 

"You want some punch? I'll serve you some." Ethan told me, as he picked the ladle and served me a cup. 

"So, Y/N... where's my sister exactly?" Chad said as he sipped his drink. "Getting drunk, and sucking face with Anika, you know, the usual." 

"Ah." He said. Ethan draped his arm around me, as I leaned into him. "You look cute." I said looking up at him. "Thanks. You do too." I smiled. "I'm sorry my WiFi cut out yesterday, other wise I could've watched you tell the plot of murder party for the 3rd time that night." Ethan just kissed me to shut me up. 

"Ugh, guys! Get a room please." I looked at Chad. "And for that little comment I think that deserves another kiss." I said laughing while kissing Ethan, we both laughed into the kiss, and I taste the fruit punch from his lips. 

"I'll be back, I have to use the bathroom. Stay here with Chad." I told Ethan as I handed him my cup. "Wait!" He whined, as he leaned in for another kiss. "I won't be long!" 

"She's not going to war Ethan!" (ifykyk) I could hear Chad say. 

the bathroom wasn't that difficult to find, just down the small hallway next to the staircase, there wasn't too many people around that area. 

I made my way into the bathroom, and touched up my gloss, and hair. I also wanted to text Quinn, just to make sure she'd let me know in case Sam came back from her therapist appointment. 

all of a sudden, I felt my back cold. I got goosebumps. I touched my arms, as I looked in the mirror. Just me. 

I went back to texting Quinn. 

I felt cold hands on my shoulders, that made my blood run cold in an instant. 

"Happy Halloween Y/N." I looked in the mirror, nothing. I looked behind me, as I noticed dirty blonde hair tickle my neck. It was none other than my ex boyfriend. Tate Langdon. 

I gasped loudly, as my phone dropped to the floor. "T- Tate?" I covered my mouth with my hand. "Hey sweetheart. What are you doing all the way over here? You know, I had to talk to many people in order to find you." He said. He wore a blue long sleeve and jeans, with his usual blue converse. His hair was always in disarray, he never fixed it. Just the way I always liked it. 

"I-I, I had to leave." A tear fell down my face. "But the house wasn't done with you. The house... for some reason, it didn't do it's job with you." He said a bit angrier on the last part. I breathed in loudly. I was scared. Mainly because Tate, he was a psychopath. And if it wasn't for Violet, I would've never been able to leave that house. 

Tate treated me like an angel. He treated me too well. I meant in ways like, he was clingy, he would never let me go. He was jealous as well. He would never leave me alone. I guess after Violet, he drastically changed some things. 

It was until I decided to run as far away from that house, and him, I ended up in New York. 

"I mean, come on Y/N. New York? You could live it up in LA as well. As a matter of fact, why don't you come home?" He said smiling. I noticed tears running down his face. 

"That place was never my FUCKING home." I said pointing at him. Tate looked quiet for a while "I NEED YOU." Tate yelled. I was surprised someone didn't just bust inside and help me. Tate sobbed loudly. "Please Y/N, I need you." He said crying, he reached his hands out to hug me. 

"You never needed me Tate, you just needed something to occupy your mind from what you were really were. A monster.

HELLO, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, THERE WILL BE A PART TWO, WHERE HOPEFULLY THINGS GET TEA FILLED. Okay end, have a good rest of your day/night/midday/midnight/midmorning. Bye!

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