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angsty, cute. 




Tara, Anika, Mindy and I were wasted. Going door to door, just trying to find a good time, and to party and dance. Instead of studying, we were partying and disobeying Sam. She had warned Tara not to leave without her, and Mindy and Anika were all for it. However, a few drinks come in, they don't come out. At least for a while. 

We had been to at least 3 parties before coming to the one we were actually invited to. Everyone was going to be here. Considering we were totally wasted, our minds weren't working as great, and we lacked consciousness for the rest of the night. After getting there, Chad instantly pulled Mindy aside. 

"Where the fuck where you guys. You were supposed to meet me here, instead I find out you guys have been all over the city, going to every fucking halloween party there is??" He whisper shouted. 

Mindy just forced her self out of Chad, and grabbed Anika's hand to dance. Tara was no longer where she was standing, I wasn't sure where she went. 

I was drunk out of my mind, but could still see straight. I just went over to Chad and talked to him. 

"Y/N, may I ask you where you guys went half the night, now considering that my sister is drunk as hell, I'm really hoping you aren't too."

"We went downtown, turns out we had the wrong address to this party and didn't realize it until  we didn't see you there, we had already drank a little bit, and ended up at 2 parties later, until we ended up here." I said chugging another drink. I was about to go for another one, until Chad grabbed my wrist and put the cup down.

"I think you're good Y/N, I may need you to drive my sister tonight." 

"Hey man, so, I check the back and they didn't have any drinks in the back." Ethan said. Ethan was Chad's roommate. We didn't really get along, and I hated him, since we were always competing for top spot in Econ. It was true, we were both really good at it. 

"Y/N. Whatever are you doing here." He said in his prissiest voice and rolled his eyes to the side.

I looked at Ethan and gave him the biggest glare. He was in some viking costume which was nerdy for me, but I couldn't say anything, considering I was literally his enemy in Econ. 

I just rolled my eyes. "Ethan... great to see you here, I thought these weren't your type of parties?"  I said tilting my head to the side. 

"well, I was invited. And at least I got here without mistaking this party for 3 other parties... yeah, I heard."  He said. 

Ethan made me angry. Sometimes I wish I could just punch him straight in the face. 


His lips looked so soft and kissable. He was so kissable. The way his curls framed his face. His jaw was as sharp as a blade, and he had the pearliest teeth and smile. His body was muscular, and he looks like he works out. But on top of all, he was my enemy in Econ, and he was smart.

Disturbia by Rihanna started playing, and here I was standing in front of Ethan. Chad wasn't even here anymore. He had left to some other corner of the house. I poured two cups of alcohol, and handed one to Ethan. 

"Come on. Drink." I said lifting my cup. He just grabbed the drink and stared at it. Then he lifted it up to drink it. We chugged at the same time, and I could tell it was bitter for him. I then grabbed his cup and mine and threw it in the trash. 

I grabbed his face and kissed him. He was shocked and stiff, but then kissed back. We then started making out moving it against the wall, and against the wall going up the stairs. 

"I SEE YOU Y/N! GO GET THAT!" Mindy yelled as she cupped her hands, she stood with one arm draped against Anika, and she had another cup in her hand. 

I stopped with Ethan to look at her, and then rolled my eyes playfully. 

Ethan then grabbed my face and kissed me, we went up the stairs and then into a room. 

"I've always liked you Y/N." Ethan said as he broke away the kiss. 

"I never did, but I think I do now." I said. 

just then the door flung open. 

"WOOOOO ETHAN. I NEVER THOUGHT I'D LIVE TO SEE THE DAY, BUT WITH Y/N L/N? YOU JUST WON." Chad said yelling at both of us. Just then half the party flooded the door. 

"Wait? Ethan Landry is hooking up with Y/N?" Someone said. 

"But he's such a loser." Someone said. 

I just shut the door, and grabbed Ethan. He laid on the bed as I got on top of him kissing him as deeply as I could. 

"I don't think I've had enough to drink."

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