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angsty, enemies to lovers type.




Here I was. At Mindy and Chad's party. Ignorant teenagers filled the room, moving their bodies, while they all held that same red solo cup up in the air. I was currently sitting on the couch, while I watched everyone dance, I shouldn't have fucking come in the first place, but Mindy begged me, and for what? Just so she can go suck face with Anika in her room. 

Tara was somewhere with Chad, I don't even want to begin to think about what they're doing, and Sam is somewhere working two shifts just so she can have the rent paid tomorrow at 9 am. 

some random katy perry song was playing. I thought this party was whack enough for me, I was just going to leave without letting Mindy know, I'm sure she'll forget she ever begged me to come to her party. 

While all my friends vanished, and were out of sight, I noticed one who wasn't really my friend, but more of an enemy, even though he hung out in our group.

ethan fucking landry. 

I hated him. I'm not really sure why, but I never bought the whole "dorky shy guy type thing." I mean, come on. No one is really ever that shy and dorky and isn't hiding something. 

he wore a navy blue long sleeve, but the sleeves were rolled up. He wore jeans, navy blue converse, and he was sat down across from me also drinking from a red solo cup. 

once my eyes laid on him, they wouldn't leave. I studied his facial features. His lips were so pink and beautiful, his curls bounced every time he turned his head, his front curls wouldn't move out of being stuck to his forehead from sweat.  

I might've stared too long, because he then noticed me. My soft gaze turned into a glare. He glared back at me. He then got up, people hiding his walk over to me, as he vanished into the crowd and then reappeared in front of me. 

he sat down next to me, and handed me a red cup. I took the cup, and looked in. 

"It's fruit punch with tequila. A bit strong for you I'd say." He said looking at the crowd and sipping his drink. 

I just rolled my eyes at him and took a sip. 

"Landry. Who told you you could sit here." I said facing him. "Mindy did." 

I laughed. "Mindy doesn't like you for shit. And you wanna know why?" 

"Humor me." He said, still not looking at me but I could see his smile. 

"She doesn't buy your shit Ethan, no one does. Especially me." I said turning away from him and sipping my drink. 

"I noticed the way you were looking at me from afar. Looks like you bought my shit to me." He looked at me. "You just exposed yourself, you admit you have something going on." 

He smirked at me then looked at the crowd, taking a drink, and then leaning over to whisper in my ear. "If I had something going on, I would have killed you first." My facial expression fell, as I looked at him stunned. "The truth is I like you Y/N, I always have. Don't ruin this, please."  

White Tee by Summer Walker started playing.

Ethan then leaned into my face, and kissed me deeply. I almost couldn't kiss back, because of what he'd just revealed to me, I stood stiff as a board as my lips didn't move with his. I just let him kiss me, I needed to process everything. 

I was in love with a killer. 

Ethan moved my hips on his lap, the song just encouraged him to do more, as he roamed around my waist, and back. He grabbed my hair and tangled his hands in it. In front of everyone we made out. All I could do in the moment is share the passion, even though I was still shocked. 


I know I have been gone for a long time, and I haven't updated, but I promise I'll try to, I've just been really busy with school, trips, evan peters, as well as edits. 



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