window climber

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angsty, cute. 




I had picked up the greasy brown pizza boxes from the table, and cleaned the dishes. Me, Quinn, Tara, Sam, Mindy, Anika, and Chad had all decided we were going to sleep under one roof tonight. 

We thought it'd be safer we all stick together and keep close just in case ghostface would like to make a visit again and I failed to mention we were also going to go on a vacation. Ethan wasn't going to stay with us tonight. He had Econ class until 9, and then after that a study session with friends, so he thought it'd be better to sleep in his and Chad's dorm tonight. 

"Want some help?" Tara asked from over the couch. "It's okay I got it. Shouldn't you be heading to sleep?" I said, throwing the boxes in the trash. Mindy, Anika, and Chad had already headed to bed. They were going to sleep in Tara's room.

 I was kept a room to myself, because of some stupid funny reason Mindy had created. Turns out, she actually wanted it to stick, and so that's how I ended up with a room all to myself. 

"Nah, having trouble. Just wanted to see if help was needed." 

I chuckled. "You should go to sleep. We leave in the morning." 

"Right. I was thinking we cancel the trip." 

"Are you serious? No. Mostly because we need this, to recover, and to get away for a while. And also because it's literally the night before we leave." All of the core four, and me were going to get away and go to Los Angeles for a while. 

"You're right, what am I saying?" Tara grabbed her head. "I'm going to sleep now, go to sleep early." She pointed at me, and then disappeared into the dark hallway. 

I sighed, and then got ready for bed. 


a loud thud had woken me up. 

It was coming from my window. 

I sat in my bed, and then quickly scrambled through the drawer in my bedside table. I pulled out a knife and held it under the covers, ready to attack. 

the window slid open, and in came in the curly haired boy, with a plain white t shirt, blue plaid pajama pants, and his hazy eyes in visual. 

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my blade and put it on my bedside table before I whisper-shouted. 

"Ethan... what the fuck are you doing? It's 2 in the morning!" 

"Hello to you too, no hey babe, where were you? No hey babe how are you?" He slurred. 

"Are you drunk?" 

"Let's go out." He said grabbing hand and dragging me out of bed. I grabbed my sweater jacket and put it on. We made our exit through my window, and down the fire escape stairs. 

the breeze was calm tonight, no sirens, no honks, just cars passing down the street, and lights in the distance. Me and Ethan held hands as we walked down the street. He looked at the ground and said nothing. 

"Let's go to central park." 

I laughed. "Are you kidding?" 

"Come on Y/N" He said dragging me once more, and running. 

We got to central park in 15 minutes, and just sat on the grass under a tree after. 

"Look at the stars. They're especially beautiful tonight." He said

"You know who else is beautiful?" I said

"You." He said laughing and then kissing me on the cheek. "I think I just fell in love with you again Y/N L/N." 

I stared at him for a while before I got on him and kissed him deeply. He grabbed my face, and flipped us over. 

"I fucking told you. You owe me 20 bucks." I heard a familiar voice in the distance. 

it was Mindy and Anika. 

I pulled away from Ethan. "I can't get even 15 minutes alone can I?" 

"I saw the window." 

"Didn't take Ethan to be the type to go through your window" Anika said laughing. 

I looked behind them. Sam, Tara, Chad, and Quinn all showed up. 

"Here you guys are! We've been looking for over 20 minutes!" Chad said, he then winked at Ethan. 

"Should we go?" I told Ethan.

"Even I'm not drunk enough for this shit." He said laughing. 

HI GUYS! HOW ARE YOU? MORE IMAGINES COMING SOON! Once more, I am on spring break and that = more imagines. Happy spring break to those who have it! and the Jack Champion Imagines book will be updated soon. Follow my TikTok cause why not? It's ethanhadecon


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