our ending.

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sad? I'm not sure. 

its the end though. 



I was in my college dorm, getting ready to go out with Tara and Sam. We decided we needed to come to normality and finally agreed on just living our lives. I heard the door knob turn and open. In the doorway stood Ethan, my boyfriend. "Ethan! Come help me decide on a pair of earrings." He walked towards me and just sat on the bed. His stare drooping, he looked lost in state, and his hands folded in his lap. 

I turned around and noticed his state. "Ethan? What's wrong." I sat down next to him. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." He said softly. I laughed, "What? I'm sure I'll understand." He took my hand and we exited my dorm. "Ethan? Where are we going?" He dragged me to his car and told me to sit. 

Before I knew it, we were driving somewhere. I didn't know where, all I remembered was his expression and his furrowed eyebrows. He looked obviously stressed, and I didn't want to bother him. 

We didn't say a word that whole car ride. There went my day out with Tara and Sam. Ethan had entered a building that just looked like acting stages. Each stage was labeled "Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3," and so forth. There was a huge sign hung in front of a main building and it was called "Paramount Pictures." 

Ethan got out of the car angrily, as he took my wrist. We were greeted by a stunned receptionist asking for a name, but we ignored her and walked past. 

"Sir! Ma'm! You can't go that way! Security to level 2, there are intruders." I looked back at her, as Ethan's grip only got tighter on my wrist. We took an elevator to the 3rd level and entered a room. 

Inside the room was a man and a woman, they looked business casual, and looked like they were waiting for us. "Ah! Ethan Landry, and Y/N. By the way, so glad for to you to finally join us Y/N." He said a he extended an arm, I shook it, and we sat down in front of them. 

"You shouldn't hang out with this one, don't you know of his horrible history." The woman said to me. I looked at her confused. "What are you talking about?" I looked at Ethan and then the duo. "Oh. You don't know. Well, this might be a lot to take in, sorry about that." The man said as he offered me a glass of water. "You aren't real Y/N." 

I laughed and spit my water out, Ethan looked stunned, while the woman took out a napkin and looked disgusted. "You're joking, this is totally a hidden camera prank, thanks Ethan." I said as I nudged him, he didn't seem to laugh though.

"Ahem, no. This is no joke. You aren't a real person, you are fictive, in fact this world is fictive, your friends are fictive, and even your precious little boyfriend beside you is fictive. We are fictive!" He pointed to himself and the woman beside him. "What?" 

"Y/N, or should I say your name, you are not a real person. Your friends are characters that belong in a movie called scream, your boyfriend here, being an antagonist, and you being a person created by millions of fans around the world just so they can get that feel of being with the person they choose. Your persona is altered and you look different to many, many, people. In fact, I'm pretty sure someone is writing fan fiction about Ethan as we speak."

I stopped talking. 

Ethan just looked at me. 

"Well now, it's time to go, I'm sure you have family back home, or wherever you're from." He took out a dagger and cleaned it. 

"Wait wait wait wait, what are you going to do with that? What do you mean I'm confused, I don't want to die, Ethan!" I lifted off the couch, as the man got closer to me. He stabbed me in the side of the stomach. A flash stood before me as everything turned white then dark. 

"We need to get you out there and introduce you to some girls!" You looked around, people were beside you, you were in a red leather seat, there was a cupholder on one side of your seat.  A huge projector screen was in front of you, and when you looked up you can see the white light coming from the projector. "What about her?" You were so engrossed in everything around you, that you didn't even notice you were watching a movie. 

"She's gorgeous." 


"Ethan? What are you doing in a movie?" You said to yourself. 

"SHH!" People all around you told you. "Right, ask her out." - "No I can't-" 

"Ask her out! Ask her out! Ask her out!" 

"Shut up!" Ethan smiled. You smiled to yourself, and noticed a seat was empty next to you. You then saw a shadowy figure coming up the stairs. 

they looked like they were going to sit next to you. 

"Oh fuck, I'm sorry!" He said as he tripped, that earned a shut up from everyone all around him. He then whispered to you. 

"Is this seat taken? I'm sorry, don't tell anyone, I'm movie hopping." 

You chuckled. "No, this seat isn't taken you can sit here." He sat down and greeted you with his hand. 

"Hi I'm Ethan." 

"I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you." 

"And so, Ethan and Y/N's extraordinary adventure in the world of Scream comes to a close, leaving behind an unforgettable tale that blends the realms of fiction and reality in a thrilling and meta exploration of horror cinema." 

"chill it's just an Ethan Landry imagines book."

but don't fret dear reader, as you haven't seen the last of Ethan yet. 


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