broken heart

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bloody, angsty, upsetting to some.


I was running to save my life. I had two choices. Stay with him and stay with guilt, or escape successfully and never have to turn back again. I didn't have time to think about it. My head was pounding and I was losing blood. Fast. 

I looked down at my stomach, and applied pressure to a gushing leak of red. I successfully hid in a place where hopefully Ethan or Quinn wouldn't find me. They were busy fighting Sam and Tara. 

I was crying, in pain, in sadness, and in anger. I couldn't believe he would do this to me. Ethan is my boyfriend. Correction. Was. He revealed himself to me, but he looked guilty about it. I yelled at him, with all of my strength, and instead, I earned myself a good stab in the stomach, by his bitch sister, Quinn.

I lost myself in my thoughts, when I was then brought back by a hand covering my mouth, and a figure standing behind me. It was Ethan. I fought him, as I started hitting his arms, and his chest, but his embrace was too strong.

"shh, shh, baby." 

I pushed him off as I stood in front of him. 

"How could you do this to me Ethan?" I whisper yelled. A tear fell from my eye. 

"I-I, I had no choice. Your fucking friends killed my brother, Y/N." 

"YOUR FUCKING BROTHER WAS GHOSTFACE." I lost my cool, and yelled at him. 


I examined him closely. He was unarmed, no blade, no suit, no mask. He was in a simple grey shirt, and jeans. He was just... Ethan. 

But I was Y/N. 

I cried silently. 

I knew I had to do this. 

I stepped forward closer to him. I looked at his eyes. I studied his face. 

"You'll be with me forever right?" 

I chuckled at his sweet words, he was so clingy at times. But that's what I loved most about Ethan. 

"Of course. We can grow old together." 

"You won't be scared of my wrinkly face?" He teased. 

"I'm sure there will be other things I'll be afraid of." I laughed. 

We looked at up at the sky, then the sunset. 

A sweet memory, for a bitter moment. 

I hugged Ethan hard. My tears staining his grey shirt. He grabbed me hard. 

I heard a grunt from him. 

I slowly let go of him once I felt the warm liquid on my hand. 

"I'm sorry Ethan." My blade sharply left his back. 

I stepped back, as I watched him fall to the ground. 

HI GUYS! Sorry I have been gone for so long! A whole week! I've been pretty busy, but I'm on spring break already so I can start posting more imagines, and especially for my Jack Champion book as well. Request imagines! 

Have a good spring break if you are also on break!

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