CONCLUSION + new book!

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may I just say, thank you so much for getting this book to 120k reads, it really means so much to me, I didn't really expect this book to be this popular, as it's only purpose was because I created it for fun, so to see it grow to 120k reads, and people leaving positive (yet shocking) comments in the comments made me smile a lot. I'm also not sure about this but I think some people don't realize I know what reading list y'all be putting this book in and let me just say... 


I'm sure there will be many questions so please feel free to ask. And to clear up some obvious questions I'll be putting them below. 

"why didn't you post anymore after ghostface killers?" - I had honestly been super busy with my graduation and my school is very much overly dramatic with that, so I had a lot to do I'm sorry :( 

"will there be a tate? pt. 2?" Maybe sometime in the following weeks it'll be the last thing posted to this book, cause it's not fair of me to not post the part two to that imagine I believe. 

"will you continue to post on the Jack Champion Imagines book? - I say with a heavy heart. no. 

that concludes my questions panel, if you have any more questions I might've missed, please feel free to ask them in the comments and I'll try my best to answer them. 

also some news. The journey doesn't end here for all of my books, I will be writing another book about Albert (Flamingo) so to all my flamingo fans please stay tuned, it'll be a good one, I'm also considering a tate langdon book as well. 

thank you for joining me on this journey, and I'll see you (maybe) in the next book! 


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