First Week of Classes

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The last two week of summer went exactly how a whole four years of my life went. Thinking about Xavier and spiraling into a depression, luckily I'm always very monotone so Rose didn't notice. Pushing that aside, today it was time for me to start my new job and Rose to start her new school.

"Mom, let's go!"

My daughter's reaction to going to Nevermore was completely different than mine. I was sent due to expulsion for defending my younger brother Pugsley. Thinking about that day brings a grin to my face.


"Ok, head to the car, time to dedicate the next four months to a campus for outcasts."

We didn't have a home in Jericho so I opted for a teacher apartment on campus. I may be a tad bit overprotective. I just hope to god she doesn't get art, even though that's the class she would want. My process of thought was interrupted by a scream. I quickly slammed the brakes and pulled over.

"Rose, how many times have I told you your theatrics cannot happen in the car I could crash!"

"I felt something touching my leg, it felt like a hand."

"Thing how many times do I have to tell you not to scare Rose."

Thing emerged from under the seat and screamed again, this time from excitement.

"What's Thing doing here Mom?"

"He helped me during my Nevermore days and I know he'll get you out of the trouble you're surely going to get into. He was supposed to meet us there, but you scare easily can't say I blame him."

I turned around in my seat resuming the ride. We made it to the school with no more interruptions and I walked with her to her dorm which was my old dorm. I was getting deja vu she walked in and put up her colorful paintings and posters. Her roommate arrived a few moments later in a black Nevermore blazer. Now I definitely have deja vu, they haven't made that exception since I was here. When I looked up and saw who the girls parent was I froze, it was Xavier.

"Ok, Rose I have to settle in I love you."

I quickly sped off not looking back, this couldn't be happening to me.

The first day was merely a formality, I gave my students a free day. I needed to get my head in the game so I can be an effective teacher. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my classroom door.

"It's open!"

"Hey Mom, how'd it go today?"

"It was fine, tell me about your day.

"My roommate who you saw earlier, her name is Miracle Thorpe her dad's the art teacher and she is super weird. Also Mr. Thorpe said I have a true gift and he can really paint so that's a big honor."

"So when I tell you it means nothing?" I teased.

"You're my Mom you have to say this."

"Mmmhmm, tell me more about this roommate."

"Well she's dark, I mean literally and she talks like a professor and she's really mean, but I can make friends with anyone."

"Yea that's kind of how Enid and I started our friendship, and now she's the sister I never wanted."

"She's really weird Mom, she doesn't even have a phone."

"She's different Rose, don't hold it against her."

"If you say so, I'm gonna head back to my dorm."

"Ok, I love you call me before you go to sleep."

Rose left and I just sat there looking back on the old days at this same school. My phone snapped my train of thought and I quickly gathered my things to head to my mini apartment on campus. I was walking out the door when a certain art teacher I didn't want to see happened to be there. He look disheveled and out of breath.


"Xavier save it."

"Please Wednesday, I can't handle continuing to have you so pissed with me. You've been blocking my attempts for almost 15 years!"

"Xavier please-."

"No, I'm not moving until you speak with me."

"What is it you want Xavier, I gave you the one thing I've never given away . . . my heart, and you broke it."

"Wednesday I-."

"Save it."

I began storming away from him not wanting him to see the tears.


I froze.

"Wednesday, that day you came to talk to me was the  7 year anniversary of the death of my mother and to make it worse my father called me that day to tell me he was getting married, Wednesday it was all too overwhelming and you just happened show up at the wrong time."

"Why not communicate, you always forced me to open up, why not do the same, I loved you and you broke my heart,"

The tears started to stream, I needed to desperately escape.

"So what there's no hope for us Wednesday . . . you're the only one I've been with!" He screamed beginning to cry as well.

"Xavier, you have a daughter."

"I adopted her years ago in search for you, she reminded me of you so much and while I was in your hometown when you wouldn't speak with me I adopted her."

"Xavier I can't go through this again." My voice was as low as a whisper.

"Just let me be there, I love you Wednesday you're a brilliant person and a wonderful mother, please let me in."

"I need time."

With that I ran off thinking through everything he had told me.

Rose walked into her dorm room seeing her roommate Miracle and her very grim side of the room.

"How about we break the ice?" Rose suggested.

"I enjoy the cold, very much." Miracle monotoned.

"Ok, I'll just tell you a little about myself and you open when you're ready. My name is Rose Addams and my mother is our botanical science teacher Wednesday Addams and I love art and I don't know who my father is . . . sorry that felt like a overshare."

"I find Ms. Addams very fascinating." Miracle responded.

"OMG! You know my mom, she's kind of famous around here."

"Yes indeed, she saved the school and my father seems to have known her back when he attended, he has many paintings of her."

"What, my mother never mentioned knowing Mr. Thorpe."

"That's strange, my father definitely acts like he knows her, I could be wrong. That was an interesting breaking of the ice, this may be better than I initially thought."

"Besties!" Rose screamed.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves."
I ran through the warm summer air just trying to get anywhere, I didn't want to go to the teacher building and give them the first impression of me as being weak, so I went to the nightshade's library. I knew no one would be there on the first day. My thoughts ran wild, he's trying and I could never understand how that felt that day, but he never considered me for once. He made me feel like we were united as partners and he never once opened up to me the way he forced me to. It wasn't fair, but I knew it was time to move forward.

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