The Principal's Office

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After a little assistance from Rose, I was ready for my outing with Xavier. I walked out of the door not before giving Rose a hug, and Miracle of course declining my hug. The walk to the parking lot was pretty quick and when I arrived, he gave me a bright smile to which I returned.

"Hello beautiful." He said trying to give me a kiss I avoided.

"Slow down cowboy, let's see how lunch goes and you might get one of those.

"I've already been deprived for so long."

"Xavier, we spent the entire night making out, have some self control."

"Fine, let's just go." I could tell he was fake pouting as he opened the door for me.

I entered and once the ride began we fell into a comfortable silence. The ride was a short ride and soon we arrived in front of the Weathervane. He cut the car off and came over to let me out.

"You sure know how to treat a lady to a fancy meal." I teased.

"Hey, I said lunch not dinner." He said raising his hands defensively.

"I'm joking Xavier, this is completely fine."

He offered me his hand and I hesitantly took it, feeling that familiar warmth I always used to feel when we were teenagers. We entered into the weathervane and took our usual booth. We didn't bother looking at the menu's since we come here all the time, which resulted in us staring at each other.

"Wednesday, not a day passed where I didn't think of you."

I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. "I know."

He made a face of confusion so I continued. "Xavier, do you think I could check on Miracle and not you, don't be mistaken I NEVER stopped loving you."

"That makes two of us."

Our eyes locked and in that moment, I could see our love would be endless beyond years. Our staring contest was broken by the waiter coming to take our orders. When I looked up to give them my order everything stopped all at once, our server was Tyler Gaplin. The boy who played me, tricked me, and nearly killed me.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Xavier screamed as he saw Tyler.

"Wednesday, it's nice to see you. It's also nice to see you as well Xavier."

"That's all you have to say after playing with my heart, KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE, and trying to wipe out our entire school." I glared him a look that could kill.

"I'm not asking you two for your forgiveness, but please just listen to what I have to say."

I let out a shaky breath. "Two minutes."

His face lit up in a smile that disgusted me. "First thing is, they've managed to lock up the hyde and as long as I have this amulet on my neck it can never be used again. Secondly, Laurel was an evil person and that whole thing was out of my control, I apologize for your friends and anyone else who died or got injured in the process."

I looked at Xavier, and he looked at me then I looked back up at Tyler. His eyes were glazed with tears and remorse. In a rare moment for me I felt empathy and sympathy, the poor man was unwillingly turned into a serial killer.

"What happened can never be forgotten, but you are not completely at fault Tyler, I forgive you. It'll take time, but I hope we can be friends." I said looking at him sympathetically.

Tears started to stream down his face. "Thank you so much Wednesday, I've apologized to everyone who suffered from what I did, but I knew you deserved an apology the most."

We both turned to Xavier expectantly. He sighed a sigh of defeat. "I know you had no control of the hyde man, you did still bully me, but that's something that I can move pass, I forgive you."

"Thank you both, I hope in time we can be friends, anyways what will it be?"

We gave Tyler our orders and he headed towards the back to fill them. I looked at Xavier just trying to process the last ten minutes of our life.

Xavier looked at me grinning a bit. "You've gone soft Addams.

I gave him one of my older glares. "Children will do that to you."

"Fair enough."

We engaged in conversation for about ten more minutes before Tyler re arrived with our food.

"Here's your order made exactly how you asked, is there anything else I can get you?"

I gave him a shake of my head. "No, we're good. Thank you Tyler.

He turned to leave but hesitated before turning to me. "If you don't mind me asking are you two dating."

This situation had turned super awkward and to defuse it I quickly answered. "No of course not, we're just friends."

I could see Xavier's face fall slightly as I said it.

"Oh well, Wednesday I still do really like you and maybe there's a chance we could try again?"

I was frozen unable to speak, this was out of nowhere. My train of thought was broken by Xavier's ringtone. He looked down at his phone, then turned to Tyler with a smug grin.

"Maybe she can answer you another time, our twin DAUGHTERS that we have together are in the principal's office and so my friend who is also the mother of my CHILDREN will have to get back to you."

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