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"Ali!" a girl with a small black jet hair with a green headband yelled. "OK! I'm coming, wait up will ya?" the boy known as 'Ali' went to wake up his cat.

 "Adulah, let's go Comot" the cat opened one eye and stretched her body and went to the boy's shoulder. "EH?! ALICIA! WAIT UP!!" he whined as he catch up with her to the library.

 Alicia didn't stop and looked behind she just went on first to the library, while Ali jogged being careful to not get Comot fall from his bag, since he doesn't want his face to be full of scars.

 As Ali entered the library he was greeted by a "SHH!!" the librarian with her phone in her hand hushed Ali after he ran inside, Ali gave a small grin and bowed a little and said sorry to the librarian. Ali then went to the bookshelves to find Alicia but wasn't seen around.

 Ali decided to look for the 'special book stamp' he saw it on his left side when he turned around, as he was about to grab it someone already did. He saw Alicia going to his direction with the 'special  book stamp'.

 She pulled out her her stamp and placed it gently in the book while Ali did the same. The book then scanned the stamp and the penny which belonged to Ali. 

The cylinder-like bookshelf spin and opened an entrance. The both of them stepped inside then the door closed and the cylinder-like bookshelf returned back to normal. Inside was like an elevator going down and some small rounded robots scanned the both of them.

 Ali's school uniform was then replaced with a stealth suit with the base being red while the rest is black, his normal hair was now traced down on the right side over his forehead.

 Alicia on the other hand has her stealth suit being colored with a yellow base and also has a little blue on it, on her side of the hip has some rounded bullets size as a pebble there was also a slingshot on her pocket.

 Ali on the other hand has his own YoYo but not an ordinary yoyo, His yoyo was unbreakable. His yoyo can be used as an attack or a defense against his enemies when it's spinned by the holder.

 As the 2 of them arrived at the bottom, they went to the pod and sat down.

----------AT THE M.A.T.A ACADEMY----------

After a while they finally arrived on a island with a large white place with the M.A.T.A logo placed of the center of the building.

 The 2 person and the gray cat walked inside the General's room immediately. When they entered the room they were greeted by a complaint, in the hologram there showed a man with black hair with a moustache.

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