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[Time: 9:47PM]

[Location: Cyberaya]

{Before the Ali incident}

??? POV...

Me and my friends finally got a vacation after a very long work. I stretched my arms up and catched up with my other friends.

"Ah, Planet Earth~ were finally back!!" I said as I breath in.

"HUHUH...I'm hungry..Let's go to Tok Aba's!" a male with green shirt said.

"Hayah, you're always hungry" a girl with blue and yellow cap said as she face-palmed. The boy with green shirt just pouted and scoffed.

"Eh, Why is it so dark?" a girl with a pink hijab said as she adjusted her vision.

"And infact, where are we?" the female with yellow-blue hat said as she adjusted her glasses.

"Ha'ah, It's the 'captain's' fault, he's too slow on driving that's why we got here late--" the green boy's collar was grabbed.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!? YOU WANNA FIGHT HUH?!" a boy with dark-purple hair said as he grabbed his collar.

"AHHHH" the green male managed to slip away from the dark-purpled male's grip and hid behind me.

"ISH! COME HERE!" he yelled.

"WAHHH HELP ME!!" the green male shouted as he ran around avoiding the purple boy.

"Guys- You should calm down It's our vacation remember?" I said as I tried to prevent the purple male to kill my best friend.

"Ye you two, you should be grateful that the General and Commander gave us a vacation!" the pink female crossed her arms looking mad. "And here's some cookies to ease your hunger!" she handed the green male the box of cookies.

Me and the rest got scared except for the pink female with an innocent smile. I gotta be honest, her cookies are like made from poisonous rocks, one time she fed one of her cookies to a cat and not a second later the cat fainted on the ground looking still. Me and the rest of the group gulped as the green male said;

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